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Reading .TS files from an external USB Linux drive

Posted: 15 Sep 2015 23:46
by BrandtDO.VLC

I have an HP laptop running Windows Vista 32-bit Home Premium.

I am considering purchasing a Channel Master DVR+ over-the-air (OTA) recording device.

It requires attaching a USB HD to it, that it will format with Linux, and record OTA TV shows as .TS files.

Say that I have recorded a few shows, then, disconnect the USB HD from the DVR+ and attach it to my laptop.

1) Will my laptop be able to see the .TS files that are on the Linux-formatted HD, if I just view the drive (Start > Computer) ?

2) If it can see the drive, will I be able to open it and see the list of .TS files ?

3) Would VLC be able to see the list of .TS files, and be able to open and play them ?

4) Would VLC be able to see the list of files and convert them to another format, e.g., .MP4 to be saved to another drive ?

5) Would VLC be able to extract information form the .TS file's container, such as, the program's name (e.g., NCIS , etc) ?

What I would like to do is record shows, convert them to .MP4 (or other file format), and then save them to a NTFS drive.

I would appreciate any information with which you may be able to provide.

My laptop's HD is small (size-wise), and does not have a Linux partition.

Thank you

Re: Reading .TS files from an external USB Linux drive

Posted: 16 Sep 2015 10:20
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
1) Check the product specification. This is not a VLC issue.
2) Ditto.
3) If 2 works and if the files are actually proper TS, yes.
4) If 3, yes.
5) If 3 and the infos are preserved by the device, yes.

Re: Reading .TS files from an external USB Linux drive

Posted: 24 May 2016 22:49
by Gray Wolf
Three days ago I purchased a Channel Master DVR+. After some research online I mounted an external drive. I recorded two half hour programs as a test on the external drive. I disconnected the external drive and brought it to my MacBook. In the MacBook I installed the Mac trial program from Paragon that allows the UNIX files to be seen when the external drive is mounted. I found the drive to have been partitioned into two parts; the second part contained the .ts files. There were many superfluous files. I found my two half hour recordings by size. VLC was uncooperative. I have not yet found a Mac ts file reader that will "play" these files, however, I used Handbrake and converted them to MP4. They play well in that format. If you find a Mac program that can read Channel Master's ts files, please post the information. Thanks
Gray Wolf