UPnP/DLNA in VLC not Working.

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UPnP/DLNA in VLC not Working.

Postby KazzarIII » 12 Aug 2015 22:55

Hey there!

So here's the Situation. I have a NAT running a UPnP Server for Movies, Audio, etc. I can use play files Regularly in Windows Media Player. However, in VLC (After going to the Playlist Option, Clicking on UPnP) I get no Response.
I have Checked the Messages of VLC and im getting this error repeated.

Code: Select all

upnp info: Initializing libupnp on '(null)' interface upnp error: Initialization failed: UPNP_E_SOCKET_ERROR core error: no suitable services discovery module upnp info: Initializing libupnp on '(null)' interface upnp error: Initialization failed: UPNP_E_SOCKET_ERROR core error: no suitable services discovery module upnp info: Initializing libupnp on '(null)' interface upnp error: Initialization failed: UPNP_E_SOCKET_ERROR core error: no suitable services discovery module
I Have been prompted to give Firewall Access to VLC and have Done so. I have tried disabling my Antivirus Firewall and the Windows Default One.
This also has the same Error on my Windows 7 System (I am running VLC also on Windows 10)

Thanks in advance.

New Cone
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Re: UPnP/DLNA in VLC not Working.

Postby rannsaichervlc » 13 Aug 2015 08:10

I too have the same issue. PC and Surface pro 3 tablet, both running windows 10 ( and previously Windows 8.1 had the same issue.) On my network is Huawei router displaying a hard drive via dlna, and an ubuntu pc running minidlna. I can see both these dlna servers in windows file explorer, under the network tag, but VLC cant see either server. I can access the contents via media player on both pc and tablet.

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Re: UPnP/DLNA in VLC not Working.

Postby rannsaichervlc » 23 Aug 2015 12:10

installed nightly from 23/08/2015. vlc now sees both dlna servers. Successfully played a movie from minidlna on ubuntu. So far havent been able to see contents of the drive attached to Huawei router. My initial suspicion is the implementation of dlna on the router is flaky!

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New Cone
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Re: UPnP/DLNA in VLC not Working.

Postby stecatherine » 23 Aug 2015 15:52

I have a DIGITUS DN-16040R2 IP surveillance camera that requires downloading VLC to be operational.
So I downloaded VLC but I do not know how to register the camera.
Can anyone give me a procedure simple and clear. Unfortunately I have not been able to get useful seller.
Thank you in advance for your help.
P. Dubath
P.S .: I speak French. This is electronic translation. You can answer in English

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