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Start VLC in exclusive audio mode

Posted: 25 Jul 2015 14:13
by sinister3vil

As the title says, is there a way to start VLC in exclusive audio mode, preferably through a command line switch?

The reason is that I use the desktop version to play Youtube playlists but on Connected Standby devices, like Windows 8 tablets, it stops when you turn off the screen. Unfortunately the "modern" version does not play Youtube links.
The workaround for such behavior, at least on chrome, was to run it in exclusive audio mode, that would keep Chrome playing even with the screen turned off. I'm guessing VLC would behave in a similar manner.

If there's another way to keep the desktop version playing with the screen off (on a Connected Standby enabled device), please do let me know.

Re: Start VLC in exclusive audio mode

Posted: 25 Jul 2015 15:22
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
No. This was not implemented so far.

Patch or sponsorship most welcome.

Re: Start VLC in exclusive audio mode

Posted: 25 Jul 2015 16:50
by sinister3vil
Hi Remi,

Are you talking about implementing an exclusive audio mode, proper support for Connected Standby on the desktop app or support for Youtube links on the Metro app? :p

I'd probably patronage the CS one.

Anyway, since I got my answer feel free to lock this up.

Re: Start VLC in exclusive audio mode

Posted: 25 Jul 2015 17:47
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Mostly on the desktop one :)

Re: Start VLC in exclusive audio mode

Posted: 26 Jul 2015 10:13
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
VLC does not support "exclusive mode" in WASAPI, is what I mean(t).

To keep playing while the screen is blanked, you should probably adjust your power management settings. As long as your speakers are not a part of your monitor, there are no reasons why DPMS would stop audio.

Re: Start VLC in exclusive audio mode

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 16:16
by kendo
Ok, but where find WASAPI or MMDevice ?

Re: Start VLC in exclusive audio mode

Posted: 31 Dec 2015 16:11
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Windows Multimedia Device (MMDevice) can be selected in the audio preferences as normal. It's the default setting in VLC 3.0 onward.