Dshow - webcam with audio is not working!

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Dshow - webcam with audio is not working!

Postby starbyone » 16 May 2015 23:48

I have a fairly simple task I need the computer to be able to do:

1. Open up a video file on the desktop.
2. After it's done playing, open up dshow:// with webcam feed which should also playback an audio file on the desktop.
3. When the file audio file is finished, show black screen.
4 .Wait for user to press a button, and when she/he does so, repeat the process all over again

Right now, I can't even get audio to play with the webcam feed at the same time. The input slave part isn't working for me.

So far I have this:

vlc file://xxxx.mp4 dshow:// --fullscreen :input-slave=file://xxxxx.wav :dshow-size=640x480 :live-caching=10 vlc://quit

Thanks, and sorry if this is in the wrong forum section!

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Re: Dshow - webcam with audio is not working!

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 16 Jul 2015 19:34

Known issue.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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