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VLC and Itunes on Win32 system
Posted: 21 Sep 2005 18:14
by Tirsh
The support of DAAP has been integrated in the 0.8.2 version for mac osX, but it seems not to be present in the win32 version ???
Will a future version integrate this protocol ?
Re: VLC and Itunes on Win32 system
Posted: 21 Sep 2005 20:08
by fkuehne
Yes, it will be shipped within the upcoming release. It wasn't included in the 0.8.2 release because of licensing issues. It shouldn't have been made it in the OSX release as well, but we noticed its inclusion too late after the announce.
VLC, Win32 and Itunes
Posted: 21 Sep 2005 22:15
by Tirsh
Sorry for that, repeating isn't realy a great job ...
I found this thread :
It was examined in this ticket :
And solved in this one :
I use the french provider "FREE" who uses a "freeplayer" using himself vlc.
I use itunes on winxp and with vlc it's a fine combination !
Thanks for your response !
0.8.4-test and DAAP
Posted: 08 Oct 2005 19:19
by tirsh
I tried to test the open-daap support (itunes protocol) with the test version 0.8.4-test but even if i specify "daap" in the line of services to be explored in the "preference"->"playlists" menu, it does not seems to work.
Has this library been integrated in the win32 test version ?
If not, could it be integrated in the binary to test it ?
Thanks by advance for your response,
ITunes et VLC
Posted: 31 Oct 2005 22:59
by Tirsh
I see that the nightly version 0.8.5 win32 of vlc is on !
Could it be possible to test it that you compile a new one with lib-open-daap ?
The podcasts seems to be a new feature ! Great job !
Thanks by advance,
VLC an Windows
Posted: 03 Dec 2005 14:06
by Tirsh
ITunes shares are not visible on 0.8.4 version of vlc.
It seems that the problem with the daap library was solved with no difficulty (see
Is there still a problem with daap or it is just an omission ?
If it was forgoten, is it possible to make a nightly build with it ?
Posted: 06 Dec 2005 13:53
by Tirsh
I looked at the threads that speak on daap library (ITunes diffusion list support).
This thread shows that we can't compile vlc with daap support with cygwin on win 32 system :
This other thread tells that vlc should support daap on a future verion (0.8.4) :
Two ticket were created for the developpers :
On the readme file it's indicated that vlc support daap protocol.
What is the problem exactly with this functionnality ?
If I can help for something please tell
Posted: 06 Dec 2005 18:10
by xtophe
I believe the information in ticket #300 is wrong.
If someone compiled libdaap for please contact me.
When the NEWS file says that VLC supports Daap, you should read " VLC supports Daap through libdaap and so only on the system where libdaap compiled"
Posted: 13 Dec 2005 13:58
by Tirsh
On the MacOS version the DAAP is working fine.
It appears on the "service discovery" submenu.
It seems that it was compiled with success on this OS.
I look forward for a response from the developpers.
Posted: 15 Dec 2005 19:06
by jesssi
Same here.
Just include DAAP in the precompiled W32 binary release. A LOT of people would actually profit from that since iTunes successfully established itself as the standard for commercial online media of all kinds.
Please enabled DAAP!! Thank you so much!
Posted: 18 Dec 2005 11:38
by Tirsh
I tranfered this thread on a more general section of the forums :