VLC 2.2.0 windows 7 does not advance through playlist

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VLC 2.2.0 windows 7 does not advance through playlist

Postby vjn » 17 Mar 2015 10:23

I created a playlist using VLC, but it will play one track and quit, requiring manual advance. Solution on a Linux system was to delete VLC Preferences by deleting the VLC folder or the org.videolan.something folder if it existed, but a search did not find either of these on my system. Search for VLC brings up all kinds of unrelated stuff.

I read on a forum search before posting that in Windows XP this is normal, expected behavior. To me, normal behavior is for the player to advance from one track's end to the next track's start. iTunes does just that using the Playlist I created with VLC.

If deleting player preferences is the solution, where do I find the appropriate folder?

Another quirk I find in VLC is if I finish one track, not a playlist, to play again I have to hit the back-one-track button to start over. If I am in a playlist, it goes back to the previous track. At the end of play it sits at the end of the track so Play will not replay the track. In a playlist I have no option to replay except to go back one track, go ahead one track. That starts playing the previous track, abort, starts playing the current track.

Am I missing something here that needs to be set?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: VLC 2.2.0 windows 7 does not advance through playlist

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 17 Mar 2015 13:55

This is not normal. You have an option to stop after each track. Are you sure it was not activated?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC 2.2.0 windows 7 does not advance through playlist

Postby vjn » 19 Mar 2015 20:20

Tools > Preferences > Interface tab, lower right: "Pause on the last frame of a video" was checked.

That solved the playlist issue instantly. Thanks!

On single play that should also let me replay the video with the play button—we shall soon see. It doesn't let me write this message without interrupting me each time a track changes. Maybe there's an option to fix that.

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