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Bug Report: Please fix 100% CPU issue for empty video files

Posted: 09 Mar 2015 04:28
by biffster
Occasionally, a download will fail in such a way that a 0-length file is created with a valid name. In this case, if I've downloaded several other videos as well, I may click on the 0-length file without noticing that it's a dud. When I do this, VLC will go into a tight loop pegging a core at 100% and preventing me from clicking on the "X" to close the window. I have to open the task manager and kill it that way. (Typically a little dialog will appear as well with a bunch of errors, but that's not what I'm complaining about as the primary issue.)

To avoid this, it would be useful to insert a minimal delay between when a video ends and before it starts playing again. Something like 50ms would probably be enough to prevent the CPU pegging (and allow VLC to be closed) without the user noticing.
