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DigiCoupon (malware?) is getting 'bundled' in VLC...

Posted: 24 Feb 2015 15:08
by SarasotaSlim
According the website shown below, DigiCoupon, (a malware)? is getting packaged in VLC.

see: " ... are-virus/"

At that site, is says:

"This DigiCoupon adware is installed during a update or new install of the VLC Media Player. This VLC Media Player is used alot to promote, and install adware on a victim’s computer. VLC is free from there official source and is used alot worldwide, this is the reason for promotors to distribute there adware like “DigiCoupon” using VLC Media Player Fake Installers."

yada, yada.

[ I'm always careful to get my VLC kits ONLY from the official VideoLan page here: ]

So, what's the official story: Is it true, as claimed, that this adware is bundled into VLC kits (or once was but
now isn't)?

Re: DigiCoupon (malware?) is getting 'bundled' in VLC...

Posted: 24 Feb 2015 17:30
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
No, it's not true. It's a stupid lie. We never ever ship anything with VLC. You should complain to this *** guy.

Re: DigiCoupon (malware?) is getting 'bundled' in VLC...

Posted: 24 Feb 2015 21:15
by SarasotaSlim
You should complain to this *** guy.
Not sure I understand that part.
Who would "***" guy be? :?:

'<swear word>" guy?

Re: DigiCoupon (malware?) is getting 'bundled' in VLC...

Posted: 24 Feb 2015 22:07
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
The guy that runs this 'fixyourbrowser' website.