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Missing Header Files? Include Paths? for building

Posted: 19 Sep 2005 17:13
by DanBrwn
I am trying to build the VLC media player from the sources. When I run my configure_it scripts I get the following error:
Cant find libdvdread header files. My configure_it script is

./bootstrap && CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/win32/include -I/usr/win32/include/ebml -I/usr/win32/include/dvdread -I/libdvdread-0.9.4/dvdread -I/usr/win32/include/ffmpeg -I/usr/win32/include/lame -I/usr/win32/include/goom" \
./configure --disable-gtk --enable-nls --enable-sdl --enable-ffmpeg --with-ffmpeg-mp3lame --with-ffmpeg-faac --with-ffmpeg-zlib --enable-faad --enable-flac --enable-theora --with-wx-config-path=/usr/win32/bin --with-freetype-config-path=/usr/win32/bin --with-fribidi-config-path=/usr/win32/bin --enable-caca --with-caca-config-path=/usr/win32/bin --with-xml2-config-path=/usr/win32/bin --with-dvdnav-config-path=/usr/win32/bin --disable-cddax --disable-vcdx --enable-goom --enable-twolame --enable-dvdread --disable-mkv --enable-debug

I did not know if the "\" for a newline was being translated correctly so I took them out in case it was causing a problem with the translation from Windows text ???

Anyway, the path for libdvd appears to be -I/usr/win32/include/dvdread . It exists in my usr/win32/include/dvdread. I have include files in that directory; cmd_print.h, dvd_reader.h, ifo_print.h etc... My usr directory is the same level in the tree as my "home" directory. So the directory is d:\cygwinimage\usr\win32\include\dvdread, my vlc-trunk directory is d:\cygwinimage\home\myuserid\vlc-trunk. The configure_it script file is in d:\cygwinimage\home\myuserid. Please help. I have also downloaded the libdvdread sources and extracted them only to find that it appears like I already had the header files in the first place from the cygwin install. Thanks, Dan

Posted: 21 Sep 2005 05:23
by zcot
what version of source?

what version of contrib?

where did you get the configure_it script? because that appears to be the problem..

why are you using:
CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/win32/include/dvdread -I/libdvdread-0.9.4/dvdread.."?

in the typical script libdvd stuff is referenced via a parameter passed to ./configure

If you are trying to do something more than the very basics, then I will have no clue what is useful.. but for the simple default setup, it looks like your script is a problem for sure.

about this \ ("newline") interpretation in a bash script... -it is not this.. it is not a newline.. it is as a "continuation marker" if you will.. it says to the bash shell "hey man(or woman).. this is not the end of the command information but i am typing the rest on the next line"(otherwise each single line will be parsed as a command itself).

Posted: 21 Sep 2005 21:24
by Guest
The short answer to your question above is multiple, GCC, automake, autoconf, operating systems, PC's etc... I have tried on win 98 se, win 2000, win xp pro. I have used GCC 3.3.3, GCC 4.4.1, automake 1.9, 1.8, 1.7. Autoconf various numbers. Copy and pasted the config scripts from the file http//
, copied config scripts from the install_win32 files from the vlc-trunk file as downloaded from the svn server according to the directions in the above file. Got an earlier version of the vlc trunk vlc-0.8.1 and tried to build it. Nothing works.

I am almost ready to give up, which usually means I am about to succeed! The pertinent packages I am using are: Autoconf wrapper 2.59-2, autoconf 2.1 stable 2.13-1, Autoconf development 2.59-2, Automake 1.8.5-2, automake 1.9.6-1, binutils 20050610-1, CVS 1.10.4-2, dpkg 1.10.4-2, GCC C compiler upgrade helper 3.3.3-3, GCC Core C Compiler 3.3.3-3, GCC-G++ C++ Compiler 3.3.3-3, GCC-mingW ming32 gcc compiler upgrade helper 20040810-1, GCC-MingW mingw 32 support headers and libraries for GCC , GCC-Mingw Support headers and libs for GCC C++, Gettext 0.14.1-1, Gettext Development 0.14.1-1, libiconv 1.9.2-1, ming2 runtime 3.8-1, libtools,PCRE 4.5-1 and 6.3-1, PCRE-Devel 4.5-1 and 6.3-1.
As you can see I have been through a lot of iterations. What gives? Could you please check your versions of these files that you have been successful compiling? Thanks a lot for your help so far. You have gotten me at least moving forward (I think). Thanks

PS I only have one of each of the above versions installed at any one time.