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UK BBC Radio Windows Media Streams

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 01:19
by rinpoche
Hi everyone.

I'm in the UK and until yesterday used VLC to listen to BBC radio streams. But they've taken these down it seems. All I get now is a message to check this to me incomprehensible web page ... 680c49882f.

The real problem is that when I try to use their web iPlayer Radio thing, that doesn't work for me either. I have no problem with their iPLayer TV thing, but radio won't work for me.

So can VLC do anything about supplying these new Audio Factory feeds, whatever they are. I mean in principle I'm prepared to flip BBC the finger, stop paying the license fee (which I only do out of the goodness of heart in the pious belief they have my own interests at heart) and find replacements in the million and one radio stations around the world I can still get on live streams, but if there's any way of keeping their stuff I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

Re: UK BBC Radio Windows Media Streams

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 11:56
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
It seems they do some tricks, so you cannot use VLC, on purpose.

Re: UK BBC Radio Windows Media Streams

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 16:02
by rinpoche
It seems they do some tricks, so you cannot use VLC, on purpose.
Thanks Jean-Baptiste. I now find I can get BBC iPlayer Radio with Internet Explorer, but not Mozilla Firefox (perhaps another BBC trick). It's still annoying not to able to stream it from VLC.

Thanks for looking into to it.

Re: UK BBC Radio Windows Media Streams

Posted: 14 Feb 2015 04:40
by bat999
... It's still annoying not to able to stream it from VLC..
Those new BBC radio links for VLC etc. are available from here --->
(They now use aac codec instead of wma)

For example, this is the BBC Radio 3 link --->

The links also work well with the streaming radio extension from here --->


Re: UK BBC Radio Windows Media Streams

Posted: 07 Jan 2017 11:23
by Sirlansalittle
I'm a little late to the party, but thanks for this solution. Do you know if the stream is based on the FM broadcast or the iPlayer version. I'm wanting to listen to the football commentary on my PC but the iPlayer stream always goes to a pre-recorded broadcast where you miss the match commentary.

