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Does F12 just not work at all?

Posted: 10 Jan 2015 01:45
by WandersFar
Can someone confirm that VLC does not recognize F12 at all?

I’ve been trying to assign it as a hotkey, and no matter what function I give to it, it won’t trigger.

I’m also experiencing the same thing with Shift+F12.

Strangely, Alt+F12, Ctrl+F12, and Ctrl+Alt+F12 do work.

Is this just a bug in VLC? F12 and Shift+F12 are unmappable?

Re: Does F12 just not work at all?

Posted: 18 Jan 2015 10:01
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Works for me. Don't you have something taking your F12 focus?

Re: Does F12 just not work at all?

Posted: 18 Jan 2015 21:23
by WandersFar
Don't you have something taking your F12 focus?

Do you mean, have I assigned F12 to something in another program? No. I am running an AHK script, but I have not made F12 a hotkey for anything, and just to be sure, I disabled my script and still couldn’t get F12 or Shift+F12 to trigger. Alt+F12, Ctrl+F12, and Ctrl+Alt+F12 worked just fine, though.