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VLC Windows 8.1/8 Bug(MKV stuttering and lagging)

Posted: 15 Sep 2014 11:24
by pavjos777
I noticed a problem with VLC(all 2 versions) on windows 8/8.1. When I play 720/1080p MKV-s they're stuttering and lagging on some parts. I turned on the GPU acceleration but then i have image errors because of Nvidia gpu(i have latest drivers) Then i increased file and disc caching from 300 to 1000 and the stuttering and lagging was gone.
For a test I moved from windows 8.1 to windows 7. On windows 7 there was no stuttering and lagging on VLC default settings. So my questions are: why on windows 8.1 to solve the stuttering i had to increase the file and disc caching from 300 to 1000 and on windows 7 was everything fine on default settings? Is that a bug or is that stuttering only happening tome on windows 8.1? If it's a bug will it be fixed? On both os were the latest drivers installed. I don't it's a hardware problem because i have a FX 8320 and GTX 760. Sorry for my english.

Re: VLC Windows 8.1/8 Bug(MKV stuttering and lagging)

Posted: 16 Sep 2014 09:54
by pavjos777

Re: VLC Windows 8.1/8 Bug(MKV stuttering and lagging)

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 08:02
by pavjos777

Re: VLC Windows 8.1/8 Bug(MKV stuttering and lagging)

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 10:24
by pavjos777

Re: VLC Windows 8.1/8 Bug(MKV stuttering and lagging)

Posted: 18 Sep 2014 06:56
by theimortal1974
have you tried using an earlier version. i have had a few issues with 2.1.5. on windows 8.1. when i downloaded 2.1.3. the problems went away.

Re: VLC Windows 8.1/8 Bug(MKV stuttering and lagging)

Posted: 18 Sep 2014 10:00
by pavjos777
have you tried using an earlier version. i have had a few issues with 2.1.5. on windows 8.1. when i downloaded 2.1.3. the problems went away.
Same. The same problem i had on my older pc(i3,hd 7750,8gb of ram) all other players(MPC HC,Gom..) play the mkv without any problem. I don't understand why anyone of moderators/developers won't help me.Moderators/developers please help me

Re: VLC Windows 8.1/8 Bug(MKV stuttering and lagging)

Posted: 05 Oct 2014 12:20
by pavjos777

Re: VLC Windows 8.1/8 Bug(MKV stuttering and lagging)

Posted: 30 Nov 2014 18:29
by labub
I'm having the same problem, I have radeon HD6850 with amd fx6300!! any fixes available???

Re: VLC Windows 8.1/8 Bug(MKV stuttering and lagging)

Posted: 12 Dec 2014 03:12
by ZeDingo
I'm having the same problem, I have radeon HD6850 with amd fx6300!! any fixes available???
I have an AMD APU with more than enough power, plenty of memory, and I too had this stuttering problem. But the cause of my problem was DXVA, so maybe try disabling some hardware accelerations and see if that helps.