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I can´t see the video stream over multicast

Posted: 06 Sep 2005 20:44
by drodrig0
I would like to kwow why I can´t see the video. Is this a good configuration?.

The server side (VLS streaminig server):


# vls configuration file (Example)

# Application wide settings
LogFile = "vls.log" # log file
ScreenLog = "enable" # log to the console
SystemLog = "disable" # log to the systemlog

# Security informations :
# The section "Groups" describes which group is allowed to use which command.
# Each user who belongs to the 'master" group has all the power on the server.
# Each one who belongs to the "monitor" group is a "read-only" user.
BEGIN "Groups"
# --- Format:
# groupname = "cmd1|cmd2|..."
# --- Example:
monitor = "help|browse|logout"
master = "help|browse|start|resume|suspend|stop|shutdown|logout|config|program|input|channel|show"

# The section "Users" describes each user
# Use "mkpasswd" to generate the encrypted password.
BEGIN "Users"
# --- Format:
# username = "damian:monitor"
# --- Example:
monitor = "monitor:monitor" # password is 'monitor'
bozo = "master:master" # password is 'bozo'

# Telnet Administration
BEGIN "Telnet"
Domain = "Inet4" # Inet4 or Inet6
LocalPort = "9999" # Port to use for that purpose
LocalAddress = ""
Use = "true"

BEGIN "1" # MPEG2 stream stored in /home/videolan/streams/Dolby.vob
Name = "damian"
FileName = "C:\Program Files\VLS\Works99.mpg"
Type = "Mpeg2-TS"

# Channel (outputs) declaration
BEGIN "Channels"
# --- Format:
# ChannelName = "Type"
# --- Example:
# localhost = "network"
# client1 = "network"
# client2 = "network"
multicast = "network"
# localfile = "file"

BEGIN "multicast" # multicast example
Type = "multicast"
TTL = "1" # Time To Live
DstHost = "" # multicast address
DstPort = "1236" # destination port

# Commands automatically lanched on Startup
# Commands shall be like they would be typed in a telnet console.
BEGIN "LaunchOnStartUp"
# command1 = "start damian multicast local1 --loop"
# command2 = "start 28009 client1 dvb"

I start the program with this command (start damian multicast local1 - -loop)

The client side (VLC client):

% vlc -vvv udp:@

Thanks, Damian.-

Posted: 06 Sep 2005 23:31
by AsMaX
seems to be a typo ? it should be
DstHost = ""
DstPort = "1234" # (default listening port of vlc)