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Overlaying Logo w/ VLC and Python

Posted: 24 Jun 2014 01:59
by macwizard
I'm running the latest VLC player (2.1.3) + Python Bindings within a Pygame window. So far the video plays nicely, but the logo never shows up. I've had some luck changing other video effects such as Brightness/Contrast with success.. too bad this isn't working. Any suggestions? Eventually I'd like to be able to change the opacity for a crossfade-style effect between logo and video.

Code: Select all

import os import sys import vlc import pygame pygame.init() loadFile = r"C:\Users\steven\Documents\Mountains.jpg" movie = r"C:\Users\steven\Documents\Birds.mpg" vlcInstance = vlc.Instance() media = vlcInstance.media_new(movie, '--sub-filter logo') player = vlcInstance.media_player_new() # Pass pygame window id to vlc player, so it can render its contents there. win_id = pygame.display.get_wm_info()['window'] player.set_hwnd(win_id) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1680,1050),pygame.RESIZABLE) player.video_set_logo_int(vlc.VideoLogoOption.enable, 1) player.video_set_logo_string(vlc.VideoLogoOption.file, r"C:/Users/steven/Desktop/Playback Software/Pictures_Movies/Mountains.jpg") player.video_set_logo_string(vlc.VideoLogoOption.logo_x, "10") player.video_set_logo_string(vlc.VideoLogoOption.logo_y, "10") player.video_set_logo_int(vlc.VideoLogoOption.opacity, 150) player.video_set_logo_int(vlc.VideoLogoOption.position, 3) player.video_set_logo_int(vlc.VideoLogoOption.repeat, 1000) pygame.mixer.quit() player.set_media(media) getout = 0 while player.get_state() != vlc.State.Ended: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: getout = 1 break if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: getout = 1 break if getout == 1: break pygame.quit ()