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Jerky playback, playing from capture device (DVB-T decoder)

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 21:52
by martinu
Is there some reason why VLC cannot display a channel that is being captured from a device without stuttering, although it can record it fine?

I'm using VLC 2.1.4 on Windows 7, capturing from a Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T DVB-T tuner.

I choose Media -> Open Capture Device -> Capture Mode = TV-digital and Transponder = 514000 kHz (the BBC A multiplex for my transmitter). I then choose Playback -> Programme and select one of the channels (eg BBC One) on that multiplex.

The programme plays but is very jerky - typically it plays in bursts of about 2 seconds with a 1 second freeze etc. Both sound and picture pause.

This seems to apply to any multiplex and any channel within the multiplex.

If I press the Record button, the whole multiplex is recorded to a TS file and, having stopped recording, any programme from that multiplex can be played back fine, without pauses.

The CPU usage for the PC (Ctrl-Alt-Del, Task Manager, Performance) shows low usage (none of the four processors is using more than about 10% CPU).

Are there any settings that I need to tweak?

Fix Me

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 14:53
by Ludrax
Is there some reason why VLC cannot display a channel that is being captured from a device without stuttering, although it can record it fine?
DVB regression in 2.1.x

Re: Jerky playback, playing from capture device (DVB-T decod

Posted: 07 Jul 2014 01:39
by Ludrax
maybe some devices don't like this

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