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How to play youtube videos in VLC

Posted: 02 Jun 2014 19:45
by Marymerina
I am trying to play/stream youtube videos in VLC as the sound in youtube is generally low and I can increase the sound much higher in VLC, So here is what I did,
1. open a particular video in youtube
2. copy the URL
3. open VLC -->Media-->open network stream --> pasted the URL and clicked on play
The thumbnail alone appears on VLC and then nothing at all, I have wait even for half hour still nothing,
I kinda have a slow internet connection but I expect tht to slow down the streaming,but here it dosnt stream AT ALL


Re: How to play youtube videos in VLC

Posted: 02 Jun 2014 21:19
by dugommier
You have to set "Tools" then "Messages"
A Message window is display, ignore it, don't close it.
Paste the URL of Youtube et so on ...
If you want to record the stream, VLC will tell you that your file already exist and you choose "Erase" ...

Re: How to play youtube videos in VLC

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 06:33
by CloudStalker
Hello, Marymerina! :]
What happens when you load the YouTube video and then press the play button? Have you made any changes to "Auto Start" in the Preferences?