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Magnification/zoom issue

Posted: 21 Apr 2014 05:17
by antarek

I just got a new computer so i re-installed VLC on it. But now i m having an issue with the magnification/zoom option. On my old computer i could set the magnification/zoom window at a specific size and location of the video. And when the video played was finished (video loop mode activated), it restarted the video with the magnification/zoom window placed exactly at the same spot and at the same size than previously. But now when the video ends and restart, the magnification/zoom window is reseted and placed at its default location and size.

Any idea of how to force VLC to remember the position and size of the magnification/zoom window when the video ends and restart (loop) ?

Re: Magnification/zoom issue

Posted: 21 Apr 2014 20:07
by antarek
Ok so i ve figured out how to solve the issue but this is far from being a good one as far as i had to uninstall VLC and install any pre 2.0 version of VLC (currently using VLC 1.1.9).

Can someone explain me why all 2.X VLC versions have this issue with the magnification/zoom window being reseted at its default size and position at the end of the video even with the video loop option activated ?

And is there a way to solve this issue with 2.X VLC versions because i d rather like to use an up to date version of VLC instead of being stucked with any pre 2.0 one ?

Re: Magnification/zoom issue

Posted: 21 Apr 2014 21:12
by daaceking
everything in vlc 2 is default mode. when you edit audio/sub syncs etc or close vlc, it tends to reset by design which is cool. it's probably for the best.

mind you, you really should upgrade. vlc 2.0 introduces multi-threaded h264 decoding & probably a million other enhancements or you could use them interchangeably if you get the non-installer versions. mind you, switching may corrupt the settings

Re: Magnification/zoom issue

Posted: 21 Apr 2014 22:15
by kodela
@ antarek:

What version of VLC are you using?
The versions 2.0.x and 2.1.x behave differently.