Hello. I am having troubles figuring out which video files will actually play in 5.1 audio and which won't. I can have 2 different files, both support 5.1, but when I play them separately in VLC, one video may have the option to play in 5.1 while the other will only show me the option to play in stereo.
I have a file right now I'm trying to play > it says 5.1 right in the title > I go into the audio to try to select 5.1 > under audio channels I can see "Dolby Surround" but under audio device it only shows stereo and mono
What am I missing here? How does this program decode audio? How do I know I'm getting a proper 5.1 signal? This is beyond frustrating and horribly designed. I have loved everything about VLC up until trying to get proper surround audio out of it.
Is there some kind of guide/faq/wiki/SOMETHING!??! DO I SERIOUSLY NEED AN ENGINEERING DEGREE TO FIGURE OUT IF A FILE WILL GIVE ME PROPER SURROUND!? I mean PROPER surround, not stereo surround playing through 5 speakers.
Edit: While trying to figure it out for myself, I noticed when I have my surround turned OFF and I'm only using the tv speakers SOME (not all - as in NO standard) files will give me the option to play 5.1 - WITH MY SURROUND TURNED OFF - but when I turn the surround back on and re-open the file, the option for 5.1 is gone. WTF IS THIS!?!?!?
Is the audio decoding in this program just bugged?