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Save stream?...

Posted: 21 Aug 2005 17:33
by co0kie

I've been using Windows Movie Maker, to save streams thrue my videoIN on my geforce5600, thats great, but my streams keep getting bigger and bigger.

I'm saving a stream that is about 40 min. and in the beginning it filled about 350MB but now it's 450MB!!!
I really doesn't understand that :S

But anyway, I saw that VLC could save streams, so I've tried, but it didn't work!
But still I can see my steam (videoIN coming from my VHS), thats good, but I can't save the stream, only in WMM (Windows Movie Maker)...
There aren't coming any file when I try to save the stream...
Somebody please help me?

- co0kie

Posted: 22 Aug 2005 01:39
by jix
Can you be more precise with what you do with vlc: command line or settings, logs ...

Posted: 23 Aug 2005 07:09
by zcot
how are you selecting the input device?