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Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 04:07
by SarasotaSlim
I just downloaded latest (v2.1.1) kit (32-bit), installed it on Windows-7, and hit:

1) What appears to be a show-stopper bug: namely, when you bring up 'preferences' dialog, the screen layout is bigger than my
desktop-screen can handle! i.e. so I can't reach buttons near the bottom, etc, and see no way to re-size the dialog-window. :roll:

2) For the first time since I can remember, the kit does NOT first de-install the existing older version of VLC. :oops:
That's not a bug, but it sure is gonna confuse the troops and long-term users of VLC!
[This may be 'justifiable', but one surely will wonder why this change of familiar behavior came to be.)

Hey, as my father-in-law likes to say "Ok, I didn't want it anyway." :) (V2.1.1, that is.)

But, you gotta admit...this shows a definite LACK of testing this release before it went out the door!


Posted: 30 Nov 2013 12:49
by Ludrax
1) What appears to be a show-stopper bug: namely, when you bring up 'preferences' dialog, the screen layout is bigger than my
desktop-screen can handle! i.e. so I can't reach buttons near the bottom, etc, and see no way to re-size the dialog-window. :roll:
noticed that in VM :-|
But, you gotta admit...this shows a definite LACK of testing this release before it went out the door!
by whom?

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 20:54
by sloughfoot
As a long time user of VLC, version 2.1.1, is a disappointment. I too, am unable to access the preferences, through the "all" tab. The preferences window is too large and am not able to re size it.

Trying the install, on two separate computers still leaves me with the same problem. I have even gone so far as to try a download and install from a secondary provider (not normal for me), leaving me with the same results.

When can we expect a "fix"...

Re: Unreachable

Posted: 30 Nov 2013 21:40
by SarasotaSlim
1) What appears to be a show-stopper bug: namely, when you bring up 'preferences' dialog, the screen layout is bigger than my
desktop-screen can handle! i.e. so I can't reach buttons near the bottom, etc, and see no way to re-size the dialog-window. :roll:
noticed that in VM :-|
But, you gotta admit...this shows a definite LACK of testing this release before it went out the door!
by whom?
By whomever should be testing it, but isn't. :wink:

I've got no idea who is tasked (if anyone) to try/use the tool for a few days, before it ships. :geek:

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 16 Dec 2013 04:53
by sloughfoot
Version 2.1.2 is out...guess what...hehehe...same deal with preferences.

Lets just say, "dissapointed' the kindest way to express my feelings...

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 16 Dec 2013 17:03
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Can you share a screenshot?

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 17 Dec 2013 17:25
by sloughfoot
The screen comes up where the "Simple" and "All" buttons are not viewable at the bottom and am not able to access them. A re-size only works on the left and right borders.
Have a screen shot that i would love to post, however have not figured out how i would do that.

I might also add, that i have tried an install on two different quad core and one dual core...same results...

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 17 Dec 2013 18:45
by SarasotaSlim
I can again confirm that I too do see this problem in 2.1.2, where the preferences page can't be fully viewed.

It has also come to my attn that some (many?) ppl are not seeing the problem. e.g. I chatted with a person yesterday, who
does not encounter the problem.

I have a hunch that this may relate to screen-resolutions and/or which graphics card/driver one has.

I tried (but failed) to 'demo' that it was a screen-resolution setting issue, by telling my Intel-graphics driver (under Win-7), to
reduce my screen resolution. I'm currently running (and have been all along) a resolution of 1366x768, on
my Lenovo laptop, model “IdeaPad Z570 (1024)”. (I tried dropping to 800x600, but that just made it harder to
tell whether screen-resolution was the relevant factor.)

I don't really have a dog in this fight (e.g. H.265 is of no current interest to me), I'll bow out, and let the more
interested parties deal with it.

Cheers and regards...

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 17 Dec 2013 22:20
by SarasotaSlim
Ok, I have another machine, with different screen resolution, and I do NOT see the problem there.

So, the one where I DO have a problem is 1366 x 768
And, this new one, where there is NO problem is 1280 x 1024.

So, my guess would be that maybe a vertical of only 768 doesn't cut it.

Maybe the minimum vertical needs to be at least 1024 !?

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 18 Dec 2013 00:42
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Did you change your DPI settings?

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 18 Dec 2013 03:09
by sloughfoot
Changing the DPI settings does work however, version 2.1.2 does not "resize to video size" as the older version does, even though the box is checked.

Anyway, at least now i can access the preferences...

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 18 Dec 2013 06:20
by SarasotaSlim
Did you change your DPI settings?
Ah, ha!

No, I don't recall ever changing that. Near as I can remember, my laptop came with these
DPI settings.

But, yes, that indeed 'fixes' [works around] the issue!

[For anyone who hasn't found these "DPI" settings, for Windows-7, here's the recipe:]

Right-click on open-space on the decktop, and choose 'screen resolution' from the pop-up menu.

In the resulting dialog-window, click on the text "Make text and other items larger or smaller"

[Mine WAS set to "125%' (which is NOT the default) and there IS a warning below that choice
that DOES say: "Some items may not fit on the screen if you choose this setting..."]

Sigh. Who knew? Live and learn!!!
(My apologies for earlier wrong-headed accusations about 'lack of testing'.) :oops:

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 18 Dec 2013 11:13
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
So, the issue is with Higher DPI settings. I will look at it...

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 18 Dec 2013 16:59
by sloughfoot
Much eyes are not what they used to be and would love to go back to my old settings...Txs

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 26 Dec 2013 16:13
by sloughfoot
The ability to reach the preference settings, now seems trivial.

It seems that more things have been broken, than have been fixed...Marquee, which always was stable, no longer works...font colors no longer work...wont accept freetype font...if i understood the process a bit more, would fix the problem myself..its back to ver 1.1.11 for me...the only stable release i have seen so far...Pity..

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 27 Dec 2013 10:47
by charles75

I haven't experienced the problem you had but just wanted to say that I agree with you.

This latest version has more bugs than ever, totally disappointed with VLC.

As for me I'm going back to Media player when playing .wmv files.

And if I can find another player I'll ditch VLC altogether.

My problem with this version is that I can't fast forward or reverse, the video breaks up.

Another problem with previous versions is that when fast forwarding the slider snaps back to its previous position.

Poor show I'm afraid..

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 28 Dec 2013 13:03
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Marquee, which always was stable, no longer works...
Did you file a bug?
font colors no longer work...wont accept freetype font...
This works perfectly fine. Not to mention we don't specify fonts, but Family names.

Re: Preferences-dialog screen has unreachable portions

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 16:27
by SarasotaSlim
This issue still has NOT been fixed (as of VLC version 2.1.3).

It seems this issue is affecting only a relatively small # of users (like me) on some machines/displays.

[My affected machine is my laptop...a Lenovo 'Thinkpad' series.]

The REASON it has the problem is because the MAXIMUM resolution that Windows-7/Lenovo supports is 1366 x 768.

The relevant dimension is, of course, the vertical...the height can only be maxed to 768.

And, the height of the preference-dialog screen is now being constructed to be in the range of 900+
(beginning somewhere around VLC version 2.1.0). Hence that dialog-box is UNUSABLE, as we
can't get to bottom of it with our mouse, to click the button near bottom of that dialog.)

On versions prior to the problem, that dialog box's height was RESIZE-ABLE by the user.

This issue hence becomes a SHOW-STOPPER for the use of VLC v2.1.0 or greater (for anyone with such a display
and the need to set and save preferences).

[Ok, so this bug-report was already filed 2 days I updated it with my comments.]
