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how to delete recently played URL from network streams
Posted: 24 Oct 2013 17:35
by alex123a
When you play a network stream the URL is still there in the combobox (Menu: Media > Open Network Stream... > "Please enter a network URL").
There isn't any way to delete the history of recently played URLs. Where is the history saved? I have searched in the install folder can't find anything.
Re: how to delete recently played URL from network streams
Posted: 24 Oct 2013 19:33
by alex123a
I found the solution. Anyone who wonders here it is: Goto Tools menu > Preferences > Interface > Uncheck 'Save recentlyg played items'.
Re: how to delete recently played URL from network streams
Posted: 09 May 2014 21:16
by trackerb
This solution of unchecking recently played items works fine if I don't ever want to have quick reference to the network streams I use most often. The problem is that the saved history includes EVERY stream I have ever tried out. So I then have to find my desired stream in the list when I want to listen to it. Is there a way to actually DELETE items in this history list?
Re: how to delete recently played URL from network streams
Posted: 10 May 2014 13:53
by mederi
You can edit "vlc-qt-interface.ini" file.
Re: how to delete recently played URL from network streams
Posted: 08 Jun 2014 07:39
by trackerb
How do I edit this file? In Windows or within the program itself?
Re: how to delete recently played URL from network streams
Posted: 09 Jun 2014 21:08
by mederi
Find the file in your computer (%appdata%\vlc\vlc-qt-interface.ini) and edit it in some text editor, for example in Notepad. Find the lines and delete them there. Or just delete the file.
You can disable the remembering of recently played items:
Tools > Preferences > Show settings = Simple > Interface: [ ] Save recently played items
Save changes, restart VLC.
Re: how to delete recently played URL from network streams
Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:20
by ViewTV
Can you advise how to delete streams on a Smart TV when VLC is an App and the remote control cannot swipe to the left?
Many Thanks
Re: how to delete recently played URL from network streams
Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:17
by jaymo
I've been attempting to rid VLC 2.2.8 (hoping the release of VLC 4 will fix the problem 3x has with playing .mp4 I've created with handbrake) of stored url's previously streamed, after trying everything I found
1. When I edit or delete (%appdata%\vlc\vlc-qt-interface.ini) it is recreated with the unwanted history even when an episode of VLC is not running (there must be a running process)
2. unchecking stored history then rechecking store history later the unwanted history appears again (I want it to remember 1 url)
My fix was to delete everything in (%appdata%\vlc\) and when restarting VLC set preferences for meta etc.