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How do I configure VLC player to be a DLNA server?

Posted: 23 Oct 2013 20:41
by Videogamer555
I just got a Bluray/DVD player that can can be connected to your home network, and can behave as a DLNA client, receiving video sent to it by a DLNA server. I would like to know how to configure VLC player to stream via DLNA. Which protocol do I need to use? HTTP, UDP, RDP, RTSP, MMSH? And which container format will I need to use (to have the video transcoded into)? MPEG TS, MPEG TP, MKV, AVI? If none of these work, please consider implementing DLNA as one of the stream-output protocols in VLC player in the future.

Re: How do I configure VLC player to be a DLNA server?

Posted: 24 Oct 2013 08:55
by Ludrax
If none of these work, please consider implementing DLNA as one of the stream-output protocols in VLC player in the future.

Re: How do I configure VLC player to be a DLNA server?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 11:28
by Videogamer555
If none of these work, please consider implementing DLNA as one of the stream-output protocols in VLC player in the future.
Did you even read what you linked to? You linked to a thread on a DLNA client. A client displays the video. A server sends the video to the client. I was talking about VLC player being a server. That was the specific topic of this thread (just read the title of the thread and you will see that). I already have a DLNA client (my Samsung TV). I want a way to send audio and video to it without using XBMC, as XBMC can only stream videos, but I have yet to figure out how to get it to stream audio (MP3 files). It can play the audio but it can't seem to stream it. VLC already can stream every type of media imaginable (including MP3 audio), but doesn't handle the DLNA protocol. So that's why I want to talk the devs into adding DLNA server capability to it. So I can go to the stream-out section of the program, and among the protocols I can select (UDP, RTP, HTTP, etc) I should be able to select DLNA. Please, please, please let this be a feature in the next version of VLC player.

Re: How do I configure VLC player to be a DLNA server?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 12:54
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
VLC cannot so far act as DLNA server.

Re: How do I configure VLC player to be a DLNA server?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 21:32
by Videogamer555
VLC cannot so far act as DLNA server.
Then this is a feature that should be added.

Re: How do I configure VLC player to be a DLNA server?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 12:55
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Patch welcome.

Read All About It: How do I configure VLC player to be a DLNA server?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 23:14
by Ludrax
A server sends the video to the client. I was talking about VLC player being a server.
not only you :arrow:
