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Switch Fullscreen Display mid-play without dragging player

Posted: 22 Oct 2013 23:41
by cmw
Ok, so I want to do something kinda complicated:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" "[LinkFinder]" "--no-embedded-video" "--video-x=1940" "--video-y=730" "--qt-start-minimized" "--no-qt-updates-notif" "--no-osd" "--height=210" "--no-autoscale" "--play-and-exit"

(ignore all the quotes, this is called from a rainmeter script and needs them, [LinkFinder] variable is also from there, but that is not important. The above commandline works, as in: It displays a video without any window decorations whatsoever somewhere on my second monitor (the no autoscale is necessary because theres is a bug in this mode where the video will not be scaled to the defined videosize, instead rainmeter calls an autohotkey script which sends one "o" keystroke to VLC which will then scale the video correctly to the specified size, but again, this is not really relevant here).

So I have this window-less video on my second montor. The video cannot be dragged around. If I double click the video, it goes to fullscreen on the second monitor, as expected. So far so good. Now finally my question: Is there a way (lets say a hotkey or sth) that will fullscreen the video on the PRIMARY monitor if I want to? It shouldnt always fullscreen there, just sometimes when I want it to. So basically I want a way to fullscreen on demand on either monitor from a plain, window-less video that is fixated in place on the secondary monitor.

Re: Switch Fullscreen Display mid-play without dragging play

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 23:07
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
So far, not reliably.