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Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 09:48
by bene
I am trying to display (overlay) the time of the day and the elapsed and total time of a video in VLC 2.1. As I could not get VLC to remember effects after restart, I searched how to do this with a command line. I managed to display the time of the day using this string:
C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --sub-filter=marq{marquee= %H:%M,color= 16777215,position=8} dvd:///F:/
But I can not find how also display elapsed time $T and duration $D
I tried this line
C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --sub-filter=marq{marquee=$T/$D,color= 16777215,position=9}:marq{marquee= %H:%M,color= 16777215,position=9} dvd:///F:/
I tried this line with and without spaces and changed the string in all kinds of ways I found on the internet, but I can not find the right line.
Every time I try, I make sure I also have marquee on in the settings with the same variables. And I also turn add text on in video effects.

What am I doing wrong? Can anybody help me finding the right line?
Thank you very much,

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 10:34
by Ludrax
I managed to display the time of the day using this string:
C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --sub-filter=marq{marquee= %H:%M,color= 16777215,position=8} dvd:///F:/

Code: Select all

vlc.exe --sub-source=marq{marquee=%H:%M,color=16777215,position=8} dvd:///F:/

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 13:28
by bene
Thank you for you quick reaction!
This command line

Code: Select all

vlc.exe --sub-source=marq{marquee=%H:%M,color=16777215,position=8} dvd:///F:/

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --sub-source=marq{marquee=%H:%M,color=16777215,position=8
is not working. I also do not see the time of the day anymore.

I am able to display the time of the day by this string:

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --sub-filter=marq{marquee= %H:%M,color= 16777215,position=8} dvd:///F:/
So the time of the day is not the problem. But I would also like to display the elapsed time $T and duration $D. When I try to put that also in the string, I don't get to see the elapsed time and duration, but only the symbols $T and $D.

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 13:11
by Ludrax
But I would also like to display the elapsed time $T and duration $D. When I try to put that also in the string, I don't get to see the elapsed time and duration, but only the symbols $T and $D.
and how to display it in snapshot :?:

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 16:04
by bene
I am not sure what you mean. Do you mean that it is possible to take automatically constant snapshots and display them into the movie right away? It's a creative solution! I found that I can take screenshots automatically, but further I did not find this possibility. But maybe I did not search long enough, because I still hope for the right string. Should't that be possible? I found many people who managed to display the elapsed time an duration.
Edit: I think it will not work with snapshots, because there is no time in the sreen to take snapshots from.
To be sure I have explained it well enough: I would like to display (overlay) the remaining time, duration and time of the day, in a movie while I am playing it (so not recording or editing a movie, just playing). I managed to display the time of the day, but not the elapsed time and duration.

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 12:57
by Ludrax
I managed to display the time of the day, but not the elapsed time and duration
broken then?

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 13:37
by bene
broken then?
I don't think I understand. What do you think could be broken?

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 24 Oct 2013 12:58
by Tintifax
I think he means that the functionality to use variables like $N for the filename is broken in VLC2.1.
I just tried to make snapshots from a video and changed the snapshot-prefix to $N so the snapshot-files are named after the video.
But instead of something like "Videofilename.png" I got "$N.png". Same thing for $T and so on.
So this variable-thing is obviously broken.

Is that what you meant, Ludrax?

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 24 Oct 2013 13:17
by Ludrax

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 24 Oct 2013 13:51
by Tintifax
Well, after following the instructions in your link the issue still persists.
I reset the preferences, I installed the nightly build vlc-2.1.1-20131024-0208-win32.exe, I searched the list of known bugs and couldn't find any.
But before sending a real bug report I would like to know if others can reproduce and confirm this issue.

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 25 Oct 2013 07:23
by bene
Thank you for your explanation. I understand it better now. Because I have no knowledge and experience and it is all trial and error to me, the reason it doesn't work in my VLC 2.1 can be that I am not doing it right. But as Tintifax tried and experienced the same kind of problem, it could well be ba bug. The information I used to find out how to get it working, was all older information, the newest was for VLC 2.0 and I used the wiki. I also reset the preferences (removed and reinstalled 2.1) and that did not make any difference. I searched the list of known bugs and the list with what they would like to implement in the future, and did not find anything about this. I did not dare to try the nightly build.

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 27 Oct 2013 21:25
by Tintifax
I just tried the nightly build "vlc-2.2.0-20131027-0007" -> not solved yet.
OT: The ActiveX plugin is broken too. Doesn't work in VB.
Time to file in two bug reports!

Update: I tried many different old Versions of VLC from the Archive and found out that
1) The $*-Variables are broken since Version 2.1.0 and
2) The ActiveX-plugin is broken since Version 2.0.0 (!)

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 28 Oct 2013 16:17
by mederi
Please file a new bug report.

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 28 Oct 2013 17:32
by bene
When I read this, I think maybe I can file a bug report for the variables , but I am wondering if I need more knowledge. About the active Xplugin I do not have any knowledge.

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 14 Nov 2013 13:01
by bene
I filed to bug reports, using the information Tintifax (thank you!) gave.

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 28 Nov 2013 18:53
by cu389
I filed to bug reports, using the information Tintifax (thank you!) gave.
Is there a timeline when this will be addressed/fixed ? Reading the ticket# 9858 seems it will work with meta-formatting. If so, how can this be setup in VLC player preference ?

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 29 Nov 2013 05:56
by bene
Of course me too would like to know how to get this working.

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 06 Dec 2013 08:23
Hello. Any updates on the marquee bug? I use it often I really miss it in vlc 2.1. Certain functions still work: free text and all the % functions (I.e hour %H, time of day, etc). It's the metadata $ functions that don't work at all like $t to display title and the elapse time and time remaining. Thanks for your help.

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 06 Dec 2013 10:11
by bene
Maybe the people who experience the same problem, can add this to the bug report ?

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 23:16
by RolandOnline

For some reason, was closed around 15 November, but I can easily replicate the problem (in Win-32 vlc media player), and sounds from this thread like others still can too.

I've now reopened it.

If anyone can add further to the ticket, please do so.

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 20 Dec 2013 04:08
by bene
Thank you RolandOnline for testing and communicating on about re-opening (as it is closed again).

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 20 May 2014 12:11
by bene
The bug report was closed again. Reason: "The ticket is closed because there is no bug. VLC works as documented:
​ ... ldid=26476
I read it over and over, but I can't find how to get it working. Maybe I am confused and is the format I try not the right format to get duration $D and remaining time $L visible?
START "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --sub-filter=marq{marquee= %H:%M $D/$L ,color= 16777215,position=8} dvd:///F:
Maybe marq-marquee is not the right format to get duration $D and remaining time $L?

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 20 May 2014 17:46
by kodela
I have the same problem.

The VLC is still a very good program. This is thanks to the developers of the past. Some of the developers of today are no longer interested in the problems of the users. You do something. Whether the users are satisfied with it, do not care. Information is no longer important to them.

This is my opinion.

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 20 May 2014 18:02
by bene
I got a reaction right away here "I think the documentation is clear. --marq-marquee accepts time expansion, not meta expansion". I think he is right, seems logical.
I think my confusion started because it worked in older editions, and in the advanced preferences >subtitle >marqee of VLC 2.1, $D and $L were still mentioned as available format strings.
So now the question is, is it still possible to get it working another way? Does this mean I should be able to display duration and remainig time in the newer versions through advanced settings > input codecs > metadata > title metadata? I tried it for a while, but didn't see a change, probably because I do not know what I am doing. Of course I am going to search further, but would be nice if someone can tell me if I am looking in the right direction. Thank you

Re: Command line elapsed time and duration in VLC2.1

Posted: 24 May 2014 17:37
by bene
I have reopened the bug report Because I think $-variables are not working.