3 bugs found in 2.1.0

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Blank Cone
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3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 26 Sep 2013 13:05

1) reset volume not working. set it to 34%. save. close. reopen vlc and you go always 100% volume. ok with vlc 2.0.8

2) vlc 2.1.0 is unable to open a MOV file with this code

"" rtsptext
rtsp:// """

nothing happens.
ok with vlc 2.0.8: simply double click on this file MOV.

3) the first opening of vlc: 6 seconds!!
2.0.8 :
2,5 seconds.

please fix these bugs. thanks
Last edited by anuswara on 26 Sep 2013 18:30, edited 1 time in total.

Blank Cone
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 26 Sep 2013 18:30

in the changelog you wrote:
added support for smooth straming.

I tried it, nothing happens. why?

Blank Cone
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 27 Sep 2013 12:50

Sorry if I write again.
I would be very grateful to you if you may want to tell me if you was able to reproduce the issues above and if I am allowed to hope that they will be fixed in vlc 2.1.1.
reset volume % its important,
and even more important is to simply double clik a MOV file with the string above: after installing vlc 2.1.0 I have to drag the mov file into notepad, copy paste the string in vlc, and if i close vlc, the string get lost, the url cannot tbe stored. you know that this behaviour is terrible ;)

while the 6 seconds for the first startup is not a bug, I have patience. please let me know what you think about.

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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 28 Sep 2013 15:05

ok, bug 1) is fixed in 2.1.1.

it remains to resolve bug 2) (very annoying) and 3).

2) vlc 2.1.0 is unable to open a MOV file with this code

"" rtsptext
rtsp:// """

nothing happens. => by double clicking.
ok with vlc 2.0.8: simply double click on this file MOV.

3) the first opening of vlc: 6 seconds!!
2.0.8 :
2,5 seconds.

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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby marty110 » 28 Sep 2013 15:27

What's not working with the volume is the slider within tools//preferences/audio, a workaround is to ignore that. If you want to set the volume to open at a fixed level first go to tools/preferences/audio and make sure "Always reset audio start level to" is unchecked, save, then close preferences. Next set the volume level in the player to where you want it to always open with. Then go back to tools/preferences/audio and re-check "Always reset audio start level to". When you close and start VLC it should always be at that level.
Last edited by marty110 on 28 Sep 2013 15:57, edited 2 times in total.

Blank Cone
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 28 Sep 2013 15:33

they told me that the bug will be fixed in 2.1.1.
the slider : I see no issue.

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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby marty110 » 28 Sep 2013 15:40

The slider goes back and forth but it doesn't remember the level that you set it at. The workaround for now is explained above. Glad to see that it's being fixed in the next version.

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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 28 Sep 2013 15:44

Hi, thanks.
I hope that the bug 2) will be fixed too...
until vlc 2.0.8 I simply doubleclicked on it.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 29 Sep 2013 23:09

If we have no samples and no logs, I don't see how we can fix that.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 30 Sep 2013 00:28

ehmmm sorry:

1) open notepad
2) add this string
3) save this file with extension MOV

4) double click on this file: what happens?
5) and now... what happens with vlc 2.0.8?

for smooth streaming (the new feature):
open this video
http://www.rai.tv/dl/replaytv/replaytv. ... 09-27&vc=3
in vlc 2.1.0: what happens? can you watch it?

in the past there was the same issue: 5-6 seconds for the first opening of vlc.
then you fixed it.
now again.

on a 2,5GHz quad core + 4Gb ram try a video 1080i50, set deinterlace mode : auto > linear
is it smooth or with stuttering? answer: stuttering with vlc, smooth with other applications (on the same machine).

the most important thing for me is A), then C), then D), then B).

why if I paste a url in vlc, re-opening vlc the url disappear: empty box. what to do to get the url stored, even after closing vlc?
if I obtain this behaviour I can give up with A).
with vlc 2.0.8 A) worked fine!

PS: for "1) reset volume not working. set it to 34%. save. close. reopen vlc and you go always 100% volume. ok with vlc 2.0.8
you dont have a log, but it has been fixed in 2.1.1.
so please just try what I suggested you above and please tell me if you find something strange or not working ;)

Big Cone-huna
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby Ludrax » 30 Sep 2013 14:51

for smooth streaming (the new feature):
open this video
http://www.rai.tv/dl/replaytv/replaytv. ... 09-27&vc=3
in vlc 2.1.0: what happens? can you watch it?
I don't see how VLC can play that, especially in other countries

Play NON Youtube sites' videos?
why if I paste a url in vlc, re-opening vlc the url disappear: empty box. what to do to get the url stored, even after closing vlc?
if I obtain this behaviour I can give up with A).
here that box isn't empty(it remembers last 10)
An' if ain't broke, then don't try to fix it...

Blank Cone
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 30 Sep 2013 14:56

>>here that box isn't empty(it remembers last 10)

no. I am unable to store url. if I close vlc all is lost.
its due to my OS?
what should I do to get at least one URl stored? ther are some settings that I dont konw? maybe. please help. (clean install of vlc).
the drop box menu always empty (this behaviour happened with older version of vlc too, not only with the latest). thanks.
PS: regarding A) are you able to double click on this MOV file to watch the live webcam? ok if I use 2.0.8!! thanks.
PPSS: thanks for your link above ;)

Big Cone-huna
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby Ludrax » 30 Sep 2013 15:13

the drop box menu always empty (this behaviour happened with older version of vlc too, not only with the latest).
same with Media->Open Recent Media?

An' if ain't broke, then don't try to fix it...

Blank Cone
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 30 Sep 2013 15:39

hey great!!!! I warmly thank you!!!
from your link:
"Go to Tools -> Preferences (set Show Settings to All) and Interface -> Main interfaces -> Qt then untick Save the recently played items in the menu. Remember to press Save to save VLC settings and restart VLC after that to make sure changes are enabled. "

my box was unticked. now I enabled this box (flagged) and the dropdown menù shows my desired url!!! (now I can see the list Recent played media too).
thanks thanks!
thanks Ludrax this problem is solved!

now a little summary :)
1)out of curiosity I would ask to the experts why with vlc 2.1.0 if I doubleclick the MOV file (see above) nothing happens (no warning messages), while vlc 2.0.8, 2.0.7, 2.0.6 are able to open this file.
2) smooth streaming: its ok what friend Ludrax told me, but why vlc doesnt support this smooth streaming if the url is watched in the native country, also without restrictions? ok: videolan comes from Paris, therefore I guess that they in France are not allowed to open my url.
3) it were not bad (not very important, ok) to improve the startup time, on the first startup of the application.
4) better handling of the DEinterlacing process (geforce gtx650) on Vista, when gpu acceleration is set on Active. (its very fine without gpu acceleration). Firefox will enable this feature DXVA2 in FF26 (december) for Vista users too, so it were fine if VLC could improve the gpu acceleration. actual workaround: disable gpu acceleration in vlc only (!).
thank. bestregards.

more precise playback pointer (cursor), exact as the pointer of flash player would be fine!
6) forwards/backwards: I hear skratch in the audio for a half second. (in the previous versions too).
7) volume up to 200%.

Big Cone-huna
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby Ludrax » 02 Oct 2013 13:21

1)out of curiosity I would ask to the experts why with vlc 2.1.0 if I doubleclick the MOV file (see above) nothing happens (no warning messages), while vlc 2.0.8, 2.0.7, 2.0.6 are able to open this file.
some would say those previous are broken
1) open notepad
2) add this string
3) save this file with extension MOV

4) double click on this file: what happens?
5) and now... what happens with vlc 2.0.8?
in any case, mov is added to playlist both in 2.1.0(and link) and 2.2.0(only link without mov file in playlist)
http://www.rai.tv/dl/replaytv/replaytv. ... 09-27&vc=3
in vlc 2.1.0: what happens? can you watch it?
related streaming issue(MRL opens in 2.2.0)
An' if ain't broke, then don't try to fix it...

Blank Cone
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 02 Oct 2013 16:07


hehe broken but they are able to open this file by simply doubleclicking on it, while the "modern" 2.1.0 is unable to do it :(

yes, as said, enabling the checkbox "Remeber recent opened files..." the url rtsp:// is stored in the dropdown menù.

about the smooth streaming (raireplay.tv and mediapolis.rai.it), the solution was:
"ok, thank you for fast reply
I installed a virtual machine with win7 os and vlc 2.0.4 works fine."

I dont know if I understood right this solution in your link, but it seems that Seven is/was the solution. Also I will not be able to open (and -important- to save) on my pc, with VISTA, this kind of smooth streaming (h264) via Videolan, but only with firefox and an addon (that I already tried succesfully).
Also a Vista issue, not a Vlc issue?

I confirm all the remaining requests/amelioraments from yesterday.
(PS: yesterday I heard a video via headphones on the table, not on my ears hehe) and I guess that it were better to re-enable the 200% volume option, even if it is not good for audiophile ok. the pointer (i.e. "jump to" --es. jump to time counter 2:05:57 is more precise in flash player than in vlc).

Big Cone-huna
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby Ludrax » 06 Oct 2013 21:08

hehe broken but they are able to open this file by simply doubleclicking on it, while the "modern" 2.1.0 is unable to do it :(
2) vlc 2.1.0 is unable to open a MOV file with this code

"" rtsptext
rtsp:// """

nothing happens.
ok with vlc 2.0.8: simply double click on this file MOV.
now requires

Code: Select all

RTSPtext rtsp://
I dont know if I understood right this solution in your link, but it seems that Seven is/was the solution
link from that topic works on 2.0.4 and 2.2.0, but not on 2.1.0 :?
Also I will not be able to open (and -important- to save) on my pc, with VISTA, this kind of smooth streaming (h264) via Videolan, but only with firefox and an addon (that I already tried succesfully).
Also a Vista issue, not a Vlc issue?
it's needed direct link(like in prev. topic) not this one
An' if ain't broke, then don't try to fix it...

Blank Cone
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 06 Oct 2013 21:29

now requires
Hi, thank you, your suggestion is perfect!!
it works fine now with uppercase letters
it's needed direct link(like in prev. topic) not this one
the one and only link is like this:
http://www.rai.tv/dl/replaytv/replaytv. ... 10-05&vc=1

url helper and hidownload are unable to discover the "direct link" I guess because they dont support smooth streaming, therefore I can download only more than 100 (more than 1000 too) text file with video and audio divided as text files, also unpossible. therefore I hope that videolan will enable this feature, but I guess that this is hard, fast unpossible: that means "smooth streaming" probably to avoid that people download these streams.

No idea how the user phedro (in the previous thread) get the direct url with relinker.

I warmly thank you.

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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Oct 2013 01:07

It used to work with rtsptext in small cases?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 08 Oct 2013 01:12

It used to work with rtsptext in small cases?
until 2.0.8 yes it works!
with 2.1.0 it doesnt ;)

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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Oct 2013 23:52

Will fix for 2.1.1
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 09 Oct 2013 00:05


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 09 Oct 2013 00:11

So bug 1) is fixed in 2.1.1.
Bug 2) is fixed in 2.1.1.
Bug 3) is on your install.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby anuswara » 09 Oct 2013 00:15

Bug 3) resolved now, without doing nothing. ;)

it were not bad a better handling of deinterlacing mode with GPU acceleration active.
perfect with gpu accel off.
ok with other sw on the same machine
(gtx 650).

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Re: 3 bugs found in 2.1.0

Postby Spanky587 » 10 Oct 2013 00:49

What's not working with the volume is the slider within tools//preferences/audio, a workaround is to ignore that. If you want to set the volume to open at a fixed level first go to tools/preferences/audio and make sure "Always reset audio start level to" is unchecked, save, then close preferences. Next set the volume level in the player to where you want it to always open with. Then go back to tools/preferences/audio and re-check "Always reset audio start level to". When you close and start VLC it should always be at that level.
Also, in VLC 2.0.8 (and earlier) the volume slider went up to 200%. I always set mine at 175%. Now, in VLC 2.1 it only goes to 125%.

This is not a "bug" but an unnecessary removal of a feature.

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