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Stream gets unstable after a short data inconsistency

Posted: 03 Sep 2013 23:35
by mkdr

I am using VLC together with udpxy, an UNIX/Linux daemon to relay multicast UDP traffic over TCP (HTTP). For example I open a stream in VLC via:

Now I have the following problem, and it is a VLC issue, because I don't have it with other players: If there is a short inconsistency in the stream data, for example by packet loss on the data line, by lag of high CPU usage, or by QOS problems (surfing while watching the stream), the stream gets broken, and the only solution to get it stable again, is to stop and reload it.

With broken I mean the audio is gone and the video has fragmentation, stutters, and so on. It seems VLC can't handle short packet losses in the stream, and doesn't rebuffer correctly, even if the connection is stable again. This can easily be done by opening a stream, and surfing some webpages in the background with lots of data usage, so the internet connection comes to it's limit for a short time.

Re: Stream gets unstable after a short data inconsistency

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 07:41
by alexkarnaukhov
here is some discussion about your problem ... 66#p397366
Do you find the solution?

Re: Stream gets unstable after a short data inconsistency

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 07:48
by mkdr
Nope. Never found a solution, and of course devs are ignoring this problem, like always. I never get any answer back wherever I post a bug report, regardless where, VLC, Goggle, Microsoft. Devs are ignorant, regardless which project.

Re: Stream gets unstable after a short data inconsistency

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 08:27
by alexkarnaukhov
I think the time for manualy patching sources and recompilation is come :)
May be just increasing value in this string should help...

Code: Select all

mdate() - p_sys->i_late_frames_start > INT64_C(5000000)
5 sec is lower than rtsp timeout (it`s about 10 sec), so if I change INT64_C(5000000) to INT64_C(15000000), I suppose sream should stops before entering in laggy state...

Re: Stream gets unstable after a short data inconsistency

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 08:06
by alexkarnaukhov
The problem seems to be solved with my own build of vlc in which i changed

Code: Select all

mdate() - p_sys->i_late_frames_start > INT64_C(5000000)

Code: Select all

mdate() - p_sys->i_late_frames_start > INT64_C(15000000)
Can it be added to main VLC branch?

And question about compilation. I`ve perfomed cross-compilation under ubuntu 13.10 x64 for windows x86 (prefix i686-w64-mingw32) step-by-step as wrote there
But after all I have obtained much bigger *.dll files. For example, i have libvlccore.dll 6.1 Mb instead of 2.3 Mb. Is it debug build? And what steps are to produce exactly the same binaries, as we can download from

Re: Stream gets unstable after a short data inconsistency

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 13:03
by alexkarnaukhov
Unfortunatelly, under linux (at least Ubuntu 13.10 x64) problem still exist... Lots of "picture is too late to be displayed" and stuttering video for network caching less than 1000 ms. It`s very sad...
Dont understand why devs ignoring this problem, because it`s very simple to reproduce: just play some local rtsp video and plug/unplug network cable several times with interval about 1-2 seconds. Than video becomes stuttering and dont return in normal state.
At least if someone could direct me to the right place in the source code, may be I could solve this by my own... But i just dont know on which module I should look...

Re: Stream gets unstable after a short data inconsistency

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 01:32
by mkdr
I have switched from VLC to DVBViewer to watch my IPTV streams. VLC isn't just usable with streams. Please dont ask why devs are ignoring this, I have absolutely no idea.