LiveTV (Dreambox Transport Stream) stuttering
Posted: 20 Aug 2013 12:36
With Version 2.0.8 of VLC, VLC will stuttering after some minuts of playing HDTV-LiveTV-streams, in this case Dreambox 8000. The streaming capability gone worse and more worse from version to version but in 2.0.8 it is no longer akzeptable. VLC 2.0.7 plays the stream mostly undisturbed. So i installed 207 and it is ok but not perfect. I hope this wil be fixed in future versions because VLC plays a strem very fast without to much buffering. But otherwise, MPC is my 2nd choice. It provides 64bit an better image quality but the streaming isnt that good because of to much buffering.
Win7 64bit - Dreambox WebIF - LAN (VLC 207 mostly ok, VLC208 pixeling after some minutes at every new stream)
Win7 64bit - Dreambox WebIF - LAN (VLC 207 mostly ok, VLC208 pixeling after some minutes at every new stream)