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novice needs help 0.8.2 crashes Linux ES3, win98, win NT

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 18:12
by thedrunkenone
I have over the past three weeks tried to load and run Videolan. I seek help in trying to resolve my problems. My experiences with trying to set up Videolan are not meant to be a critism in any way.

My aim is to stream live video to one of my website. I run RedHat Enterprise 3 with Apache as the server. This server addresses a number of different virtual domains

It should be stated that I run a small network of 3 machines 1 as stated with Linux as a server, 1 with win98 and 1 with winNT4 with service pack 6.

I downloaded videolan for linux and got the basic programme working, it gave me the interface. Unfortunately trying to access anything crashed out the screen. It was necessary to log out and then in again to reset the screen.

I then downloaded a rpm from rpm.pbone and attemted to install it. To cut it short this crashed out the whole machine and I am waiting for the engineer to arrive to sort it out.

Not to be put off I downloaded the software for win98 and installed it. This worked to a point but as with Linux when I tried to configure the video source it gave me the interface but froze the machine and it was necessary to reboot. After many attempts to remedy and my win98 drive becoming corrupt I turned to my win NT machine.

I installed the software on winnt4 and the same problems occured as with win98, it froze in the same place.

I have now put in a new harddrive with a fresh win98 installation and only videolan running. It appears to work but it still crashes out the machine as with Linux and winNT on trying to setup the video device source under Capture, Stream output, Settings it gives you the interface but crashes the machine needing you to reboot.

I do not have the expertise to resolve these issues. What I do have is a need to stream video to my website.

Can somebody help me to achive my aim.

My system I believe is simple. I have a perminent adsl connection from BT this goes into a standalone firewall box running linux software. This software has 3 running options red, orange, green networks. Green is internal with Red being you direct connection to your internet server never the twain meet. I have videolan working in its basic form on my internal network and I wish to stream its captured video to one of my websites running on apache on my server working on my red network (outside).

I cannot access my own websites from any of my internal machines although these have permanent access to the internet. For an internal machine to access my websites you have to change the connection to proxy and enter the server address xxx.xx.x.xx and then you can work on each individual site.

My question is I am sure very simple. How do you stream a live video to one of these virtual servers under the redhat requime using the proxy address.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: 07 Aug 2005 05:27
by zcot
maybe I should've had another beer or two before I read that. :lol:

but, uhhh.. I would change the system or website configuration so that you can be allowed to access via the green route from these other green route computers.

-this way you can stream to the proper box directly, and that box can handle the website streaming situation appropriately. is that having any value? or are you sending the visitors to another location one of the other green computers? what?

Ima have another beer and get back on that..
