NT Service install

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NT Service install

Postby Fuzz » 04 Aug 2005 01:59

i hate asking something like this, but could someone give me the exact command i would use to achieve this: I want to simply stream audio from my laptop to my PC using UDP and i want it to start as a service always running in the background with the video disabled listening for a running stream on my laptop on port 1234. I only want the command i would run on my PC, which would be recieving the audio, to install the service with those options, i'll be running the GUI media player on my laptop using the GUI options.

I have no problem running the program on both machines using the GUI to get the audio to stream but the command line stuff just confuses the hell out of me. Ive already tried various things like creating a batch file that looks like this: C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe udp://@ --no-sout-video and everything has been a no go, yes ive already waded through the forums, the FAQs and the documentation so believe me when i say asking this, posting about it is my last resort lol. Thanks...

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Postby Fuzz » 05 Aug 2005 19:02

nobody knows the answer to this?

If this isnt possible on VLC please let me know at least, i can start looking into other solutions. I hear windows stream lining kit can achieve this on media player, but i would like to try to avoid that method because of the bad experiences i hear about it.


Postby BoneStryker » 05 Aug 2005 19:46

oh it's possible!

but you ask someone to help out, and then attach pretense to it all, AND DONT EVEN GIVE ANY FORM OF IP ADDRESS!!! like you think this is a telepathy forum!

who is willing to fail even attempting the guessing effort trying to stay within your guidelines?

so, you ask for something very specific and mess up the possibilities and you'll end up with either nothing or something that's not what you asked for.

I would've been glad to post up 2 or 3 variations that I've used and learned from this very forum, but I didn't even come close to believing you when you said "yes ive already waded through the forums, the FAQs and the documentation so believe me when i say ..." And, in fact I felt insulted cause I thought you were trying to personally bullshit me!


And by the way this is nowhere close
C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe udp://@ --no-sout-video
make a file like this
C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --help

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Postby Fuzz » 05 Aug 2005 21:44

I asked nicely for help i didnt demand it, and im sorry that i dont grasp the concepts as easily as you do, im very happy for you that your able to do this, so you naturally assume im bullshitting when i say that ive searched through all the documentation and posts? You dont have to be an ass about it just because we all arent within the same capacities as you

Now with the effort you put into that reply you could have given me a possible solution, you've only wasted yours and my own time. Does anyone else wanna be a selective --please stay polite-- about who they help, perhaps call me a liar again, or make fun of my attempt at creating a batch file to run this with video disabled? or does anyone wanna offer up a real solution. Granted, i dont consider myself too far above the average computer user as far as experience. I truly hope he doesnt represent the creators of this nice program.

btw, i figured i could fill in the blanks with the IP addresses but if its really of any use as to how it could help me, the IP address of the laptop sending the stream is while the PC recieving the stream is Need anymore information i'll be more then happy to provide it. If it doesnt do EXACTLY what i want, thats fine i will give any suggestions a try and attempt to build upon it myself, any help is better then none.

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Postby zcot » 06 Aug 2005 12:02

wow that's alot of hammering for no reason.. just ignore that guy Fuzz.. -some people are just trolling along waiting for someone to hurl chunks on.

I can offer something for part of the issue, but since I'm on Win98 the "service" part isn't useful for me.

Also, if I'm not mistaken that "service" part you will only want to issue once when you do the installation. And then any time after that you will just be changing various settings. Isn't that how services work? You install them, then they become like a resident part of the operating system? But, anyway, maybe someone else can shed some more light there for you.

Let me clarify something for you first. You mentioned the concept "listening for a running stream on my laptop".. -and I just wanted to mention that your PC would not be listening to your laptop, and for all practical purposes doesn't even know it exists(figuratively of course). Your PC just listens, period. It will be just waiting for ANYBODY or ANYTHING to stream something to it onto port 1234.

As far as receiving a udp stream it could be like this:

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --no-video udp://@:1234
the same exact thing would be this and look at the differences:

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --no-video udp://@localhost:1234

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --no-video udp://@
I see you have this "--no-sout-video" parameter, but I think you would want to run that on the serving machine(this way there is not even any video going out the streaming part, but of course you can still watch it locally as you say). If you don't want to remove the outgoing video from the server then it's fine and the lines above for the client-side will be just what you need as for not showing video, but it's probably a good performance plus to use that parameter on the server, if you think that's relevant.

I've never realized any kind of invisible interface(for example you say not showing any GUI), so I don't know about that, but maybe that's what the service deal is for? :roll:

So at least you have that part.. and don't let the command line be confusing or daunting to you, but do realize how even omitting 1 character or similar will have an affect.

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Postby Fuzz » 06 Aug 2005 23:00

Much thanks, i appreciate it

i had the right idea in mind, just wasnt getting the syntax right. To install the service from the command line i used

Code: Select all

vlc --ntservice-install --no-video udp://@:1234
works flawlessly except now i have trouble playing some dvds that are saved on my hard drive, audio will play on some while video wont or vice versa, but thats a whole different problem entirely i'll try to work it out. Im just glad to finally get this much working :P

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