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right click shell extension for "play with VLC"

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 07:24
by cybmole
if I right click a media file, I have various "play in..." , "play with" options for other players.

is it possible to have one for VLC - do I have to do this myself via a registry hack & if so will someone kindle post the "for dummies" instructions for that - thanks

I appreciate that i can go via open with... then select VLC but that is not so good.

Ideally I would like 2 right clicks - one for play , & one for enqueue (AKA add to playlist) - like the ones for zoom player & WMP

Re: right click shell extension for "play with VLC"

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 10:23
by Lotesdelere
It should be there if you have used the installer.

Re: right click shell extension for "play with VLC"

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 11:30
by cybmole
It should be there if you have used the installer.
well I must have used the installer - how else could the program be installed ???

I have v 2.04 installed - win 7 SP1 64 bit
but it's not there. either I missed an option or have done something to lose it.

what i usually do with new version is
1. back up app data
2. install - without remove ing old version
3. replace previous app data

I will check my other PC when it is next on, see if I ahve the right clikc options there.

any way to fix this without a re-install ?

Re: right click shell extension for "play with VLC"

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 11:39
by cybmole

I installed 2.07 as per my 3 step process above. I made sure that context menus was ticked in the install options. I allowed the installer to remove 2.0.4

still no "play with VLC" on right click menu

so unless it's going to appear after next reboot, there's a problem .

I Know that I've edited right click shell stuff with the NirSoft shellex and shellmenu utilities,recently; but even if I'd accidentally removed this entry at some point surely the new install should re-instate it ?

checked registry also, no obvious VLC entries
Look under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers

NB went through it all again - same result -
i do now see "play with VLC" when I right click a FOLDER, but not when I right click a media file ???

can it be made to appear at file level ?

"No installer needed"

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 15:12
by Ludrax
well I must have used the installer - how else could the program be installed ???
it will work even without installation :D

Re: right click shell extension for "play with VLC"

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 16:32
by cybmole
well to summarise, v2.0.7 is now installed.

right click "play with VLC" option appears at folder level but not when I right click a single media file.

is that how it should be , or what ?