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Add logo into videostream

Posted: 21 Apr 2013 16:54
by sporadickit
HI all,

I need to add a logo into a videostream that is outputting to an mp4 file.

I can get the logo to display locally on my screen but I just can't get it to actually burn the logo onto the video file thats being output. Here is the code I am using via a batch script.

Can someone advise if its possible to do this (via command line ideally).

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set SOURCE="" set DESTINATION='C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\FTP\video.mp4' "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" %SOURCE% --sout="#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=0,scale=0,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100,soverlay,sfilter=marq}:duplicate{dst=file{dst=%DESTINATION%},dst=display}" --run-time 300 --stop-time=300 vlc://quit

Re: Add logo into videostream

Posted: 21 Apr 2013 17:19
by mederi
If logo, then "sfilter=logo".
If marquee, then "sfilter=marq".

Re: Add logo into videostream

Posted: 21 Apr 2013 18:21
by sporadickit
Thats the problem - I need marquee and logo at the same time on the same video.

Using this code give me the marquee:

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set SOURCE="" set DESTINATION='C:\video.mp4' "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" %SOURCE% --sout="#transcode {vcodec=h264,vb=0,scale=0,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100,soverlay,sfilter=marq}:duplicate{dst=file{dst=%DESTINATION%},dst=display}"
and using this code gives me the logo:

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set SOURCE="" set DESTINATION='C:\video.mp4' "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" %SOURCE% --sout="#transcode {vcodec=h264,vb=0,scale=0,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100,soverlay,{sfilter=logo{file='C:\logo.bmp', position=10,transparency=150}}:duplicate{dst=file{dst=%DESTINATION%},dst=display}"
I just cant find a way to merge them.

Re: Add logo into videostream

Posted: 21 Apr 2013 18:25
by mederi
O.K. Then "sfilter=marq:logo" works?

Re: Add logo into videostream

Posted: 21 Apr 2013 18:30
by sporadickit
Awesome yes thats working now... Thanks!

One last question, what number should I put in position to put the logo in the top right?

Re: Add logo into videostream

Posted: 21 Apr 2013 18:40
by mederi

Code: Select all

Logo sub source Use a local picture as logo on the video --logo-file=<string> Logo filenames Full path of the image files to use. Format is <image>[,<delay in ms>[,<alpha>]][;<image>[,<delay>[,<alpha>]]][;...]. If you only have one file, simply enter its filename. --logo-x=<integer [-2147483648 .. 2147483647]> X coordinate X coordinate of the logo. You can move the logo by left-clicking it. --logo-y=<integer [-2147483648 .. 2147483647]> Y coordinate Y coordinate of the logo. You can move the logo by left-clicking it. --logo-delay=<integer [-2147483648 .. 2147483647]> Logo individual image time in ms Individual image display time of 0 - 60000 ms. --logo-repeat=<integer [-2147483648 .. 2147483647]> Logo animation # of loops Number of loops for the logo animation.-1 = continuous, 0 = disabled --logo-opacity=<integer [0 .. 255]> Opacity of the logo Logo opacity value (from 0 for full transparency to 255 for full opacity). --logo-position={0 (Centre), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)} Logo position Enforce the logo position on the video (0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of these values, eg 6 = top-right).