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Blu-ray / Cinavia

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 04:25
by muzicman82
Hi all,

So VLC has become sort of a life saver as usual in that it seems to have no problem playing back decrypted Blu-rays that ARE Cinavia protected. I am guessing this is purely because Cinavia is not implemented in VLC (and hopefully never will be). That said, I have been playing back Blu-rays by opening the largest M2TS file in the BDMV/STREAM folder. To my surprise, this usually even gives the option to enable subtitle tracks!

One issue seems to be performance. When playing back M2TS files, I get extreme lag or choppy playback. Is this because it is not hardware accelerated? How can I improve this? It seems a bit better if I rip the disc to hard drive, but I would think software SHOULD be able to play it back from the optical drive, just as a hardware player would.

My second issue is for discs that have the main title broken up into several M2TS files. Is there a way to extract a playlist so I know which M2TS files to play and which order? I tried playing the Blu-ray using Open Disc but it played the right chapters in the right order, but several chapters repeated in random places.

Re: Blu-ray / Cinavia

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 18:04
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
Without hardware-accelerated video decoding or a very powerful machine, HD is normally choppy.

Re: Blu-ray / Cinavia

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 18:17
by muzicman82
Actually, I checked and hardware acceleration is turned on. It plays perfectly smooth when the M2TS is on a hard drive, but reading from the optical drive is awful. However, it works fine when PowerDVD or TotalMedia actually work. Is there a buffer setting in VLC?

Re: Blu-ray / Cinavia

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 05:46
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Yes, in the input/plugins section.