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Dual monitor : One fullscreen & one preview and controls

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 15:18
by flvlef
Good afternoon,
I'm trying to do something I thought simple to do (before testing today :D )

I've a laptop PC with video output (eigher HDMI or VGA) running Windows 7 64bits
I use Direct X output module

What I want to do : Play a full screen video on Monitor #2 and keep a small video resolution, time information (like reamaning time) and control buttons on Monitor #1

I've tested various ways to do that but each time something is wrong:

- Use Clone Filter (x2) and enabling Fullscreen on Video settings : 2 Windows but on the same screen and impossible to move with the mouse
- Use Clone Filter (x2) and disabling Fullscreen on Video settings : 2 Windows but on the same screen which I can move but impossible to put it in fullsreen mode

Note : My video driver do not allow a "play all video in fullsreen mode on the second monitor" mode as some people can have sometime.

Thank you very much for your help

Re: Dual monitor : One fullscreen & one preview and controls

Posted: 08 Aug 2013 07:49
by TDinGeorgia
I am looking to do the same thing as the original poster. Any luck on this front?

Re: Dual monitor : One fullscreen & one preview and controls

Posted: 13 Aug 2013 10:58
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You should be able to disable embedding video in the interface and force the fullscreen device.