VLC 64-bit plugin for Firefox on Windows

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VLC 64-bit plugin for Firefox on Windows

Postby Sean » 27 Nov 2012 04:43

I have a question about the Firefox plugin. I am not 100% certain that it is for Windows only, but I will give it a try and find out. I have 64-bit Windows 7, and I am using a 64-bit Firefox variant called "Pale Moon". I just installed the 64-bit version of VLC, specifically this one: "VLC media player 2.1.0-git-20121126-0403 Rincewind". I downloaded it from here: http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/win64/. Actually, there are three media bundles, one is vlc_*.7z, one is vlc_*.zip and one is vlc_*.exe. I used the first one. It is not actually an installer because I simply extracted the contents and put everything into one folder, keeping the directory structure as it was delivered there. When I clicked on the main "vlc.exe", it started the program without going through any Windows installation process. I had looked at the "readme.txt" and I saw nothing to suggest it should be done differently.

The reason for my question is that I am hoping to make use of the Firefox plugin from VLC. I already ahve a number of extensions and plugins installed with this browser, and they appear to function perfectly well. I have no reason to believe that the VLC plugin would not also do as well. At least I intend to try it. However, since there is no Windows installation process with this 7z bundle of VLC, naturally the plugin was not automatically installed. So I have been looking over the FAQs here and some forum dialogue regarding what needs to be done to install the plugin properly. I could not find a definitive answer to this question. I did find some discussion about this topic in a thread here: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=105565. Yet, as I said, it does nto appear to point to a solution from what I can see. I also found some discussion about making use of these plugins from the zip bundle of VLC, near the end of the page here: http://wiki.videolan.org/Windows#VLC_Pl ... Mozilla.29. However, again, this particular discussion is not conclusive in my case because it refers to the 32-bit versions of these programs, in which the directory structures are quite different.

So at this point I am left wondering what more I can do. I looked for instructions or hints in the text files that accompanied this bundle, but I did not find any substantial clues. I was expecting that the documentation would have helped a bit more than it did. I do believe that I will have to make use somehow of these two files: "npvlc.dll" and "npvlc.dll.manifest". It would be swell if someone else has solved this problem and can shed additional light on the solution for me, as well as for others who follow with this same interest in mind. Thanks.
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Re: VLC 64-bit plugin for Firefox on Windows

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 02 Dec 2012 19:05

So far, Firefox does not provide 64bits build anymore, so we won't either.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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