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Pink screen on DirectX output

Posted: 26 Nov 2012 20:00
by werby5

I've recently installed Win8 and VLC 2.0.4, on an ASUS (M51vr) laptop with Ati Mobility Radeon 3470 card.

When I use "DirectX (DirectDraw) video output" there is only a pink screen and this is for all types of video.
When "Default" or other output is used (I never liked it), video appears but it's like skipping frames, not smoothly.

On Win7, with the same card but with a specific driver for 3470 (by manufacturer), there was no problem.
On Win8 there is only an official AMD driver for 3400 series that works perfectly except above issue (pink screen).

Other players play well on overlay but I don't like them...

I hope for a solution cause I use only VLC for many many years watching videos, always and only on overlay, that is the best ever at least for me.

P S : I've tried older and "Nightly builds" versions but issue always remains.

Thank you in advance.

My Best Regards!

Re: Pink screen on DirectX output

Posted: 27 Nov 2012 21:34
by edwardw
This looks like a bug in your video drivers.

Re: Pink screen on DirectX output

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:58
by werby5
Hello edwardw

A bug that persists only for VLC, I think, is not a driver bug, isn't it?

THX for response.

Re: Pink screen on DirectX output

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 02:00
by edwardw
Yes, it can still be a driver bug. Not all Windows applications nor media players utilize DirectX.

Re: Pink screen on DirectX output

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 02:11
by werby5
So, perhaps I'll meet VLC again with my new laptop - if I live till then. :D

Thank you very much.

Re: Pink screen on DirectX output

Posted: 02 Dec 2012 19:06
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Or just change video output in preferences. And update your drivers...

Re: Pink screen on DirectX output

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 11:48
by werby5

Exactly same problem on three different laptops with Win 8 Pro 64 bit.

So AMD, NVidia, Intel Graphics - all latest (but not manufacturer's, cause there aren't) drivers - have problems but not VLC?

About video preferences, "When "Default" or other output is used (I never liked it), video appears but it's like skipping frames, not smoothly" - it persists for all laptops I've tried.

P S : Other players, like KMPlayer, play perfectly. Perhaps, we have to buy new laptops just for VLC. :lol:


Re: Pink screen on DirectX output

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 11:20
by Lotesdelere
Try another video output module: ... _output.3F

And/or disable/enable GPU acceleration: ... age_errors

And/or adjust FFmpeg threads: ... r_laggy.29

You can also try to enable or disable some video options such as Overlay and/or Hardware YUV -> RGB conversions.

Re: Pink screen on DirectX output

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 15:33
by werby5
I've tried all possible outputs and settings with no result.
The big issue for me is watching video in overlay "DirectX (DirectDraw) video output" which is no more possible with VLC.
For all these years -more than ten- and with all Win OSs, I have to say, VLC never played videos as smooth as other players do but I was always preferring it cause of image quality (clear and sharp) in overlay mode.