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Open VLC session won't respond to "Open with ..."

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 07:07
by MacEachaidh
On my Win7 x64 system, if VLC is already open it won't respond to commands to open a new file.

If I hit Enter in Explorer on a file of a type registered with VLC, or right-click on the file and choose VLC through the "Open with ..." command, VLC doesn't respond. If I close the existing session of VLC and then do the same thing, then VLC will launch a new session and successfully open the chosen file.

I get this error on both 2.0.2 and 2.0.3 of VLC. It doesn't happen with either 2.0.0 or 2.0.1, which respond as expected. It seems this was broken with 2.0.2, and hasn't been fixed in the new version.

I've tried uninstalling, deleting the VideoLAN folder from Program Files, and re-installing. It doesn't solve the issue.

Has anyone got any insight on this, please? In the interim, I've gone back to 2.0.1.