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Streams always in playlist?

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 20:00
by Tie38
Hi, I have a m­­­3­u file with a bunch of n­sv streams and I was wondering if it would be possible so whenever I went to the vlc playl­ist (ctrl+L) they would always be there.

Example: when I open the file and click the playlist it shows all of the streams in alphabetical order but when open vlc normally and click playlist they aren't there. I'd like them to always be there so I don't have to click the file every time I want to watch one of the streams.


Re: Streams always in playlist?

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 10:31
by dazzaa
add them to the media library, will be saved in the order you put them in, but can be reordered if you wish.
that's how i handle dreambox streams.
when you have the playlist setup, backup ml.xspf in roaming/vlc folder,
it's not possible to open vlc @ the media library tho
you should end up with something like this

Re: Streams always in playlist?

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 02:53
by Tie38
add them to the media library, will be saved in the order you put them in, but can be reordered if you wish.
that's how i handle dreambox streams.
when you have the playlist setup, backup ml.xspf in roaming/vlc folder,
it's not possible to open vlc @ the media library tho
you should end up with something like this

Thanks bro! You should share those playlists with the rest of us.

Re: Streams always in playlist?

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 09:01
by dazzaa
sure,here's the bouquets for an enigma2 dreambox for astra 28.2e. upload with dbe or similar.
and here's the playlist. (to replace the one in roaming/vlc) first change ip addresses with something like textcrawler to dreambox ip.

should all work fine. :) and yeah i know i spilled bbci wrong lol
forgot to say, i only made olympic streams, rest and s*y numbering from a great app from the net, but i don't think i should say which here unfortunately (it's not hard to find). Anyways everyone has almost up2date channels with these. Have fun :)

Re: Streams always in playlist?

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 12:09
by Tie38
sure,here's the bouquets for an enigma2 dreambox for astra 28.2e. upload with dbe or similar.
and here's the playlist. (to replace the one in roaming/vlc) first change ip addresses with something like textcrawler to dreambox ip.

should all work fine. :) and yeah i know i spilled bbci wrong lol
forgot to say, i only made olympic streams, rest and s*y numbering from a great app from the net, but i don't think i should say which here unfortunately (it's not hard to find). Anyways everyone has almost up2date channels with these. Have fun :)
I have no idea how to do that.. or what it even means, but thanks anyway :lol:

Re: Streams always in playlist?

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 15:38
by dazzaa
basically the playlists are for sat channels broadcast in the uk, for the pay tv channels a subscription is needed. The streams come from the sat box, in my case a dreambox.