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why Vlc display Green Screen while streaming Desktop ?

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 07:26
by jobs
i got vlc actually streaming, but it display Green Screen (latest Vlc 2.x.x) and gray dull screen in (vlc 1.0.5)...what is wrong with vlc ?
Note : i am streaming my desktop using ffmpeg and dshow filter UScreenCapture

I have tried latest as well as 1.0.5 version but no luck .....though can any one provide me the this problem please...

I m streaming video in mpegts format do i need to change it to some thing else
this is ffmpeg streaming command

Code: Select all

ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="UScreenCapture" -r 10 -bufsize 99999k -preset ultrafast -async 1 -f mpegts -s 500x400 -vcodec libx264 -acodec libmap3lame udp://

Re: why Vlc display Green Screen while streaming Desktop ?

Posted: 31 Jul 2012 03:11
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Please share the logs