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X's in boxes appear in my subtitles

Posted: 17 Apr 2012 01:56
by ROBO731
When I am watching a video with subtitles sometimes random boxes containing X's appear. I am not sure if the character that it's supposed to be is not supported by VLC or if it is supposed to be something else. If I had tot take a guess I would say it was supposed to be quotations, but it often occurs at times when quotations wouldn't make sense to use, so I believe that it is a different problem. Here is a picture of it (there were words under the black box, but I covered them): Image Any help would be appreciated.

Re: X's in boxes appear in my subtitles

Posted: 17 Apr 2012 03:32
by nkoriyama
it means the font has no glyph for the character.
Try another one.(Tools -> Preferences -> Subtitles / OSD -> Font)

Re: X's in boxes appear in my subtitles

Posted: 17 Apr 2012 04:04
by ROBO731
I assumed it would be something like that. Thank You :D