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minimize pause

Posted: 07 Apr 2012 22:05
by lochee_chap
VLC media player 2.0.0-rc1 Twoflower - this version, the one before the 2.0.1 allows the pausing of the player when minimized without having to physically pause it first. My question is thus - in previous versions things worked perfectly, but it seems that in every iteration things are taken away, why?
There is an old expression which states - if it ain't broken don''t fix it.
Now I can see the point of fixing security holes and of generally improving the overall code, but taking things away from the gui - get a frickin grip eh!
I don't care what you say just leave the gui alone.

Re: minimize pause

Posted: 08 Apr 2012 08:59
by Lotesdelere
Tools -> Preferences -> Interface
Then on the right panel in the Look and Feel section tick the "Pause playback when minimized" option.
Save, exit and restart VLC.