Hi, Here i make new issue to post effective solutions to fix this problem and add support for yt-dlp, yt-dlp can have some possible problems to import youtube cookies after chrome makes it difficult lock the export of cookies to yt-dlp but this problem does not seem to exist for firefox, some say we have to be logged out of our youtube account for youtube playback to work:
Some solutions to make the dream true of adding support of yt-dlp to VLC:
https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.ph ... 47#p547947
in my post i forget to talk about the most impostant tool to add yt-dlp to VLC, i just edited my issue :
i forget the most important tool to add yt-dlp to VLC ! :
A VLC addon for youtube-dl integration.
and maybe this plugin but doesn't work for me:
i use windows 7 os 32 bis after my main computer crashed and Mr Adeii who compiles softwares for windows 7 offered me a specefic customized version of VLC
for my windows 7 OS 32 bits by adding the extension vlc-youtubeDL and other modficiations and finally I could watch youtube videos on VLC!!
https://github.com/adeii/Qt6Win7/releas ... .21-x86.7z
at first it didn't work then Mr Adeeii found the problem and tells me:
"Aha. YT-DLP works fine on Win 8. Enable VxKex for it, to works on Win 7 until I found fix:
Rename https: // github.com/ nicolaasjan/ yt-dlp / releases/download/2024.11.18.065552/yt-dlp_win7_x86.exe
to yt-dlp.exe and copy to \lua\playlist "
Replace youtube-dl.lua script in \lua\playlist with this one above.
It will try -f "best[height=480]" first, else -f "best[height=360]" to limit yt-dlp download/stream quality. "
https://github.com/adeii/Qt6Win7/issues ... 2489355624
https://github.com/adeii/Qt6Win7/issues ... 2489469266
so by replacing the original yt-dlp with the yt-dlp of Mr Mr Nicolaasjan who had the generosity to compile yt-dlp for windows 7 OS 32 bits following my request because yt-dlp removed recently support for windows 7 os, I was able to enjoy youtube in VLC without buffer or need to install VxKex!
in addition in-between releases let fix quickly the bugs without having to wait stable version !
We hope pease official VLC will be able to add support for yt-dlp which seems to me to be an essential software to make our beloved VLC even more powerful and universal please!