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Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 14 Apr 2009 17:24
by BlackWolf
I don't believe you can imagine how much I love you right now o.O

that driver plus "standard" ouput mode did the trick. the image is still screwed on windows GDI output, but whatever :D

I don't know if the image is as good as it was on vista, but at least it is absolutly watchable now! thank you thank you thank you!
I'm glad to hear it finally worked out for you. So DirectX 3D mode is still screwed up for you even with that driver? In "standard" output mode, does Aero get temporarily get disabled? In DirectX (non-3D) mode my Aero gets disabled.
standard output mode does not disable aero for me, my guess is that standard output mode is directX3D. even if it is not, directX3D and standard look the same to me now, and they both do not disable aero. normal directX mode disables aero for me as well. I never had grain in directX output mode, but directX output mode produces partly screwed up pictures on my HDTV (no idea why, works fine on my monitor), so this was not an option for me.

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 17:51
by jeroensky
About windows7: non commercial info(the truth),

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 22:21
by DigDeep
Well this is known issue.
I have Nvidia Geforce ForceWare 190.40 drivers and this issue is still there
Few friends that uses VLC Player reports the same problem.
I have x64 bit version, if someone knows solution ,please provide it.

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 22:51
by Deefje
Heya, registered to make this post.

Erm I solved the problem with my nvidia card the following way:
Preferences->video and then output... select openGL output

Deinterlace pick either 'blend' or 'bob'. Bob works best on high definition videos but makes the image a bit fuzzy on low resolution vids. blend is a bit less fuzzy but makes the lighting effects a bit more 'square-ish'.
Any other deinterlacing give very weird blocking with glowing lights in dark backgrounds, might be because I'm watching on a tele though and it's a bit more stretched.

Anyhow, openGL output + bob deinterlacing gives me a perfect picture on VLC on windows 7 without it messing about with aero.

Hope this helped,


Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 22:59
by DigDeep
I could kiss you right now, thank you very much!!!!

ps: hmm now my mouse cursor blinking and controls dont show up, is that normal.

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 23:09
by Deefje
Does the same for me indeed, but shouldn't be that straining right? :P Only button I use untill a clip is finished is space anyhow. But, yeah it's normal, why, I dunno, but happens to me too.

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 23:15
by DigDeep
aha cool
Ty again!

will try every setting and report if anything helps, but anyway thats 10000x times better then grain picture.

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 11 Sep 2009 22:26
by Harry2o
Yup (also registered to post in this thread),

I am facing the same problem under Windows 7 64bit with VLC 1.0.x when using default settings. I am running a Nvidia 8800GT with driver v190.62.

Switching the output mode to OpenGL (and deinterlace to Bob) makes videos with small resolution watchable in fullscreen.
720p weren't that terrible with defaults, but they're better with the above settings.

Interestingly, when I use VLC 0.8.1, I don't need to set anything. Using default settings gives me just a fine picture in fullscreen mode. Does that imply, it's not a driver but a VLC issue after all?
Whose job is it, to make fullscreen watchable _without_ having to change default video settings? VLC's or nvidia's?


Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 03:53
by avery
I too just registered to post this!

I just updated to Windows 7 64-bit. In VLC, I get grainy grainy output! I tried the OpenGL trick... it works, sort of, but video is still fuzzy at high resolution!

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 15:40
by VLC_help
avery: You tried 1.0.3-RC?

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 09:51
by arunkumargfx
Sir I installe dwindows seven orginal OEM Version The video quality is not so good it is pixellete.But in the same system video is exellent in xp and vista.tell me the sollution

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 11:11
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
USe VLC 1.0.3 RC

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 29 Oct 2009 14:27
by scire
I'm using W7 x64 and I'm having the same problem. I installed my new system with a 5870 (my first ATI card) and the playback on DVD's in VLC was horrible, grainy, pix-elated, and un-anti-aliased. I switched back to Nvidia and installed a GTX275 and downloaded the latest drivers from Nvidia (191.07) but I'm still getting the same problem! All the text on DVD title menu's looks horrible like there has been no anti-alias set, but I have AA and AF turned up to the max (I've been playing with it for 40 mins straight now). Also I'm using VLC 1.0.2. Any insight would be appreciated! (I've tryed the switching to OpenGl and no cigar).

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 29 Oct 2009 14:34
by scire
Also I should mention the screen tearing going on, especially in fullscreen when the mouse is visible.

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 29 Oct 2009 18:46
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Did you Even READ that thread?

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 29 Oct 2009 21:20
by scire
Did you Even READ that thread?
Yes, and I was waiting for 1.0.3RC to download when I posted that. I still have plenty of screen tearing, and I still don't feel like I'm seeing DVD quality that I should be seeing with 1.0.3RC.

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 22:10
by Excalibur

Do you have nVidia GPU?

If you have, go for this:

Open nVidia Control Panel. Under "manage 3D settings", click on program settings. Click Add, goto Program Files(or whatever it is called on Win 7)/VideoLAN/VLC/ and pick VLC.exe
There should be vlc.exe under select program to customize under nV CP. Scroll down and set Vertical Sync to Force ON.

Then under VLC player settings, under Tools/Preferences/Video select output module to DirecX 3D video output.

You will have no more screen tearing.

That applies to all Players, and only on nV GPU.

Only if I could figure out how to do that with embeded flash on Youtube....... :D

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 02 Nov 2009 14:02
by VLC_help
Only if I could figure out how to do that with embeded flash on Youtube.......
Plugins are ran under browsers .exe, so same thing applies to firefox.exe etc.

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 01:38
by AndreBal
I have just installed the 1.0.3 version, this solves the problem entirely, no settings required. Thank you devs!

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 13:36
by Excalibur
Thnx VLC_help, will try that :D

Re: Grain in Windows 7

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 07:16
by borals
Hi Guys,

I was looking to fix this problem for ages, as I had grain in KMPlayer.

All I had to do was use win7 codecs instead of KMPlayers.

So go Preferences---->external video decoders-------> set all to "system default".

So glad I finally fixed this, I was sick of having grainy --please stay polite-- :D