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Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 16:02
by RecceDG
Me too.

Playlist - Local Network - UPnP Devices - CRASH


Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 04 Jun 2014 11:44
by Slavex
Windows 7 user here, would be nice to be able to see my media across my other windows 7 devices. No can do, VLC just freezes and crashes, running 213 Rincewind.
All my other devices find the UPNP connection with no issues, from my old Samsung phone to my BluRay and TV and even my new BB10 device. What gives guys?

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 28 Jul 2014 11:27
by GAJ
Unfortunately UPnP is still not working for me in VLC 2.1.5 (Win7 SP1, both under 32 and 64 bit versions). Clicking "Universal Plug 'n Play" crashes VLC.
While previous installs (2.1.0 - 2.1.2) automatically opened the crash report option, this does not happen after (repeated) crashes in 2.1.3 and 2.1.5 after clicking UPnP.

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 28 Jul 2014 12:24
by mesb
Still no luck with new stable versions?

Tough Luck

Posted: 28 Jul 2014 17:49
by Ludrax
more luck till 3.0 :?:

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 31 Jul 2014 22:06
by Parax
Same here with v2.1.5 - nothing showing on upnp (also crashes on second click)
win 8.1 x64

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 11:40
by nqfe
v2.1.5 crashes

The 2.0.8 is the last working version. For a year, nothing has done more.
@Ludrax: You'll probably be right

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 00:15
by lewtwo
Ditto to all of the above ....

Windows 7 X 64, Windows XP X64, Windows XP X32, Linux Mint X64 (many crash reports sent ....)
Hardware: SilconDust Model: HDHR4-2US , Firmware: 20140604

vlc-2.0.5 works as advertised.
vlc-2.0.8 works as advertised.
from there to version 2.1.5 there is NO JOY.

I note the following from "NEWS.txt" under the topic: Changes between 2.0.9 and 2.1.0:
(there does not appear to be a 2.0.9 for Windows)
Services discovery:
* UPnP A/V subtitles
* Support for multiple UPnP resources on a single item
Current work around: Build playlist in version 2.0.5 and save.
Launch Version 2.1.5 with playlist.
Just tried latest release (17 Oct 2014) of VLC 3.0, X32-7Z file.

Extracted it to a temp directory on Windows 7 X64 and ran vlc.exe
Selected: Local Network, Universal Plug'Play (a.k.a. Plug and Pray)
First run: Message from Windows firewall has blocked some features (maybe all).
Told it to Allow access to VLC for all network type.

Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth runs: nada, nothing, zip, zero, null, black-hole ...
but at least it does not crash. :?

Loaded the channel play list built in 2.05 and VLC 3.0 defaults to god awful 'Idiot-con' mode
(despite the fact that there are no icons to display). :cry:
All the channels came up (once I changed display modes) and things seems to work normally otherwise.

VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 21:26
by mesb
So, no news about back this feature working?

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 22:37
by RedFlar
Also for me lookup of UPnP devices crashes. I use version 2.1.5 on Windows 8.1 32 bit.

I did some investigation with the procmon utility from sysinternals suite an found that there is a BUFFER OVERFLOW during RegQueryValue operation on registry entry HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Linkage\Bind (Lenght 144). Shortly after this VLC crashes.

Not sure whether this is the cause, but maybe it helps to identify the root cause of the issue and fix it.

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 14:40
by Xenomorph
3.0.0, built February 8th, 2015: UPnP still broken.

Sometimes the GUI doesn't even update when you click UPnP.

Are the developers aware the VLC hasn't worked on Windows since 2.0.8?

I have a directory full of text files and playlists created with 2.0.8 since VLC no longer browses network / DLNA devices.

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 21:53
by lbsa71
Same here. VLC 2.1.5 on Windows 8.1 does not show upnp devices, crashes when navigating away then back.

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 27 Feb 2015 22:26
by mesb
Somebody tried 2.2?

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 17:19
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
It is not fixed in 2.2.0

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 04 Mar 2015 17:26
by Joutungwu
I could test five Client-PC in the same LAN with VLC 2.2.0 and two UPnP-Server (AVM Fritz!Mediaserver, Panasonic DVB-Receiver). Curiously the UPnP problem does not occur on every Windows PC:

Intel Pentium 4, 1,5 GB RAM, Win 7 x86: no Servers found
Intel Core 2 Duo E6600, 4GB RAM, Win 7 x64: no Servers found
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400, 4GB RAM, Win 7 x64: no Servers found
Intel Core i3-3225, 8 GB RAM, Win 7 x64: Servers found, no problems
Intel Core i5-4670, 8 GB RAM, Win 7 x64: Servers found, no problems

I tried to figure out differences between the Windows network configurations of the PCs but i couldn't find anything specific. After that i started Lubuntu 14.10 x86 Live-CD on the Pentium 4 and the Core 2 Duo E6600 system, installed VLC 2.2.0-pre2 and tried again. All servers were found without problems. :?

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 23 Mar 2015 11:33
by ontheair81
Same here. Using VLC player 2.2.0 on Windows7, 64bit, Core i5, 8GB RAM. VLC does not show my DLNA server (minidlna daemon on Debian). All other network devices connect to the DLNA server without any problem, just VLC can not see the server.

So after long years with VLC I had to switch back to this weird Windows Media Player :-( But the Windows Media Player at least sees the DLNA server and can play from it.
I really would be happy if this problems in VLC could be fixed or if somebody has a workaround to get things working again in VLC.

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 20:05
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
We're reworking that for 3.0.0

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 20:58
by ontheair81
Jean-Baptiste Kempf » Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:05 pm
We're reworking that for 3.0.0
Great! Thank you!

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 15:07
by guitoun
We're reworking that for 3.0.0
Hi all,

UPNP not working on ... 0325-0002/ (same on the 64bit version) on win7 64.
Even when using the direcl link URI (ex: upnp://......) on network location, this is not working, is it the same issue or are they 2 differents issue ?
Do i need to use the 64 bit version of vlc if my OS is 64bit or the 32 bit version is supposed to be fully fonctional on win7 64?
Do i need to reboot my machine, after unintalling an old version(V2.x) and installing a new one(nighliesV3), for the new one to be fonctional? As the installer/uninstaller never ask to reboot i assume the answer is no?
As the nighlies is 3.0.0, is the first realease of VLC 3 will be 3.0.0 or the version number wil change to 3.0.x ?
After 18 month without UPNP could we get some reliable infomation (date, version of VLC) about the resolution of this 18 month long bug?
There is no crash anymore but still no upnp at all.

Thanks for your support Jean-Baptiste, and sorry if my english is not perfect.

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 15:17
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
He wrote that they "[are] reworking that for 3.0.0", not that they have reworked that for 3.0.0.

It will be done when it will be done. If you want it faster, then your help is most welcome.

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 17:49
by guitoun
Thank you to answer none of my question...
I mention that the nighlies is 3.0.0 and upnp is still not working ...
That why i ask if there will be different version of 3.0.0 or not? (build version ect ect).
As it (without any reliable information) the 3.0.0 (no mention nightlies or not) is not upnp capable at all, so i pointed out that that nothing as been reworked for the 3.0.0
And i am not a developer so my help won't be usefull to VLC, i am just a user that do not understand why developers (like you it seems) remove (or destroy) the upnp from VLC since 18 month.
But it seems you need testers, and for this i can help (that why i try the nighlies) but without reliable information it is just a waste of time.
No upnp at all on 3.0.0 (i test it) even your are not agree with this statement!
If someone else have answers to my previous question (reboot for install or not, 32 bit on 64 bit systems or not, build number different for nightly and release or not) thanks!

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 18:31
by ontheair81
Thank you to answer none of my question..
He already answered your question:
It will be done when it will be done.
Which means, there is no fixed date yet.

Guitoun, I can understand your anger about the destroyed functionality. I would be more happy too, if I could switch back to my loved VLC player ;-) Anyway, the developers here are working hard without beeing paid (as far as I know)for their hard work. And users get a great software free of charge.
So, like in every free or open-source-software, constructive feedback surely will be helpful. But in my opinion its not a good idea, to set developers with their voluntary service under pressure that much.

To insist on exact dates and functionalities could be done for paid services and propietary software, if you are their customer and signed a contract with them. And these commercial guys are doing it worse: Windows Media Player is not even capable of playing back simple .flac files, for example - since 14 years!

@Developers: Thumbs up for your great work!

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 19:25
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
UPNP not working on ... 0325-0002/ (same on the 64bit version) on win7 64.
We merged some code about that today in VLC. Let's hope it improves a lot, your usecase.

It works here on Linux :)

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 26 Mar 2015 02:29
by guitoun
I see no improve on today (26) windows 32 bit version too .(but should need to be tested on another machine)

Let's hope someone will find the issue, i will go on trying new nighlies (and cross finger)
Maybe the developer are not paid but the one who will repair this should be!
Do you have user feedback on windows 8.1 for this specific issue? (linux is not a solution for me but windows 8.1 could be )
Plz do not release the V3 without fixing this definitly (as you did for 2.1 and 2.2).
VLC is a great program and I need this fonctionality so much.
Thanks for your work.

Re: VLC 2.1.0 does not see UPnP devices

Posted: 02 May 2015 09:04
by aitte

I just set up a DLNA server (rPI + OpenMediaVault + MiniDLNA) but on my win 8.1 laptop, using VLC 2.2.1, it never appears under Playlist > Discover UniversalPnP. Using Windows Media Player, I can find the server and play supported videos (only... :'( )