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Posted: 15 Jan 2007 14:22
by ballofking
:cry: Excuse me,did you send me the e-mail?Because i can't find the e-mail.

My E-mail Address

Posted: 17 Jan 2007 21:45
by ballofking
Ahmdprog,thanks for your help.I received the files.It worked but still many bugs.I think i need to find another way to finish my ap.Anyway,thanks so much.

Posted: 25 Jan 2007 18:29
by otrofox
I finally could compile vlc-0.8.6 using cross-platform compiler from cygwin. Of course I had to define the usleep function in and change a lot of include paths and evironment variables JAVA_HOME and so... but... after all, it doesn't seem to work fine.

I mean, it works, yes, it works but... the panel where the video should appear, misteriously, becomes a window and move itself automatically making a "cascade effect" over my desktop. The name of the window is "VLC (hardware YUV overlay DirectX output).

After some stops&loads, the jpanel works fine but sometimes I get a JVM FATAL ERROR.

Concluding, there are a lot of error and it's not stable but... we are on the right way!!! for sure!!!

Does anybody know if we'll have a stable version soon?

Best regards

Posted: 26 Jan 2007 12:33
by otrofox
Just a point. When using the precompiled JVLC.DLL, the examples work fine but, the API offered is not as powerfull as the one included with the last version (fullscreen, setVideoSize, etc.).
On the other hand, those new features don't work at all in my VLC0.8.6 build but, at least, they are available.

Any ideas?

Posted: 02 Feb 2007 12:48
by ahmdprog
hi otrofox,

how you did setup for cross compiler, actually I am not much familiar of setup cross compiler, i tried to setup using Fedora core 6, but many errors and not success. which operating system you used and how you did setup for that.

many thanks,

Exceptions using jvlc project.

Posted: 06 Feb 2007 14:01
by VID123
Hi Ahmad,

I downloaded the jclv project as you described below.
Now when I am trying to create an output video stream using this project I get an exception:
Exception in thread "main" org.videolan.jvlc.VLCException: thrown from C code
e.g. jvlc.addBroadcast or jvlc.setInput

Have you got an idea what could be the cause here?




First of all, I apologize because I didn’t tell you some guideline when you are planning to compile and have JVLC working:

1- You need set setup couple of coffee cubs near you.
2- If you are smoker, then you need to buy some packages for this process.
3- Do the compilation and configuration while you are in closed room, because if any compilation error maybe you will harm one of your family.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Kidding stoped.

Now, if you are interesting of having working JVLC, then it is better to download the current one that is a viable at website

This one is working pretty fine in windows (although it has bugs).

I recommend using the latest sun java development kit, the latest one is JDK 6

Then, the required files from the downloaded package are

1- org directory
2- plugins directory
3- and JVLC.DLL
That is all.

Now you need to have some experience to make and compile java application.

Ok, no problem, I will explain more.

If you are using Netbeans( for java development,

Crate new project, for example (jvlcproject). Then this project will be created in the following directory( by default)

C:\Documents and Settings\(your windows user name)\ jvlcproject

Copy the plugins directory + jvlc.dll to the following directory

C:\Documents and Settings\(your windows user name)\ jvlcproject


Copy the org directory to the following directory
C:\Documents and Settings\(your windows user name)\ jvlcproject\src\ jvlcproject

Then at your main class, do the following code for example

package jvlcproject;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import org.videolan.jvlc.JVLC;
import org.videolan.jvlc.VLCException;

public class Main

public Main()

public static void main( String[] Args )
String[] args = new String[1];
args[0] = "-vvv";
boolean videoInput = false;
JVLC jvlc = new JVLC(Args);
jvlc.playlist.add("file://c:\\a.avi", "a.avi");
jvlc.playlist.add("file://c:\\c.avi", "c.avi"); -1 , null );
catch (VLCException e)
while (! jvlc.isInputPlaying()) ;
while (! jvlc.hasVout() );

if (jvlc.hasVout()) videoInput = true;
catch (InterruptedException e)

if (videoInput)
catch (VLCException e)
if (videoInput)
System.out.print("Fullscreen... ");;
System.out.println("real size.");;
System.out.print("Taking snapshot... "); System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) + "/snap.png");
System.out.println("taken. (see " + System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) + "/snap.png )");
System.out.println("Resizing to 300x300");, 300);

System.out.println("Volume is: " +;
System.out.print("Setting volume to 150... ");;
System.out.println("INPUT INFORMATION");
System.out.println("Total length (ms) :\t" + jvlc.input.getLength());
System.out.println("Input time (ms) :\t" + jvlc.input.getTime());
System.out.println("Input position [0-1]:\t" + jvlc.input.getPosition());
if (videoInput)
System.out.println("Input FPS :\t" + jvlc.input.getFPS());


catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Something was wrong. I die :(.");

System.out.println("Everything fine ;)");
System.out.println("Playing next item");
catch (VLCException e)

catch (InterruptedException e)

According these process, the you have successfully using JVLC with your java application. :wink:


Posted: 06 Feb 2007 14:50
by ahmdprog

first of all, you need to put at your mind that the JVLC is not stable at windows.
for your problem, you need to ensure that the JVLC.DLL and plugins directory is the same directory of your project. and what is the tool you are using to develop Java. some tools they don't consider the classPath correctly.

anyway, for people that interesting in JVLC, i have build stable one, and i am now at testing stage. but i don't know how to uploaded to somewhere to make it a viable for all.


Can you email the stable release to me?

Posted: 07 Feb 2007 15:08
by bioye
Ahmad, well done for the work on the jvlc stable version. Can you mail it to me at I am working on adding video support to a java-based conferencing solution (webhuddle).

Thank you.

Please e-mail me you're stable JVLC.

Posted: 08 Feb 2007 10:37
by GX
Hi Ahmad,

I've been struggeling with JVLC for some time to manage and define video broadcasts from my java program.
If you can send me you're stable JVLC at
I'd be very gratefull. :D



Posted: 08 Feb 2007 15:32
by vdaburon

first of all, you need to put at your mind that the JVLC is not stable at windows.
for your problem, you need to ensure that the JVLC.DLL and plugins directory is the same directory of your project. and what is the tool you are using to develop Java. some tools they don't consider the classPath correctly.

anyway, for people that interesting in JVLC, i have build stable one, and i am now at testing stage. but i don't know how to uploaded to somewhere to make it a viable for all.

Hello Ahmad,

I think you can contact the 2 developpers of jvlc :
phmo95 - Philippe Morin (phmorin[----] at [ -----] free [------] dot [------] fr)
littlejohn (filippo [-----] at [----] carone ------] dot ------] org)

Sorry, i did not find their email at
But may be phmo95 at [----] videolan [------] dot [------] org, and littlejohn at [----] videolan [------] dot [------] org.

When you say "stable" version, which version it is ? like vlc 0.8.6a with java option and jvlc at specific date

Please, could you send the all vlc dll, the jvlc.dll and jvcl.jar : only one directly operational file zip for Windows OS.

Thanks Ahmad.

Vincent D.

Posted: 08 Feb 2007 20:08
by ahmdprog

I have asked these people for help when i was compiling in windows, but they didn't offer anything ... unfortunately.

Mr. Filippo
Mr. Philippe

they claim that the JVLC is very easily compiling in Cross compilation. but actually, it is very very hard job to compile JVLC using cross compilation.
epically i am not professional at Linux.
i tried to write document describing how to build using Cross compilation with JVLC, but unfortunately is is very complex to build it from scratch.

when any one asked them( JVLC developer) about building in cross compiler they always saying go to
but this page have totally nothing to describe, even they have mistake in writing the binding switch.... they put
--enable-bindings-java insted of --enable-java-bindings :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: so how this page is helpful !!!!!.

all of us we a ware of problems of JVLC that it is not stable, and actually i am concentrating to know why the JVM crashed sometimes.

recently, i have build JVLC with vlc-0.8.6a with the latest ffmpeg svn and even with AMR.

and i got pretty good and stable, but unfortunately for some criteria the JVM crashed, and now I am concentrating to solve the problem.

once I have confident one, I will reform the JVLC and try to build stable Jar file for all.

please, I am not much familiar with the structure C code of VLC, if there is any professional guy who know the C structure of VLC, please let me know, it will make building JNI very easier.



Posted: 27 Feb 2007 11:36
by AJ
I run the example you mention above and it works but the main problem is when i run this example using netbean my computer getting slow and also i cann see the video just audio...i dont know why is it the jvlc.dll size is 13 mb and compiling jvlc through cygwin is nightmare l... any one has working example in which jvl used as dynamic not static as above mention.......

any one know any other open source libraries for playing mpg4 format for java as video lan is not reliable :(
please email me on


Posted: 01 Mar 2007 06:35
by ahmdprog

Video lan is reliable, and you need to understand that Multimedia in Java is not easy job, because the JVM is very slow in native processing, recently they developed better performance one, but I don't think that any success for implementing MP4 in pure java.

I have seen many H263 and H264 implementation in java purely, but it is not success at all.

so, what is required from you, is to try with JVLC, I know that it is not much scalable in windows, but I have tried Old VLC in Linux with Java and it is working excellent.

you need to be patient, since I think the JVLC are doing something good for us. :wink: hopefully


Posted: 01 Mar 2007 19:05
by AJ
Would you like to send me the stable jvlc if you have to my email address


Posted: 13 Mar 2007 23:35
by littlejohn
Would you like to send me the stable jvlc if you have to my email address

Please take a look at the news windows release in the download section of the jvlc site an report any issues you find.



Posted: 21 Mar 2007 19:50
by AJ
I have downloaded the new version but it does have any example and i cannot run it with previous example as i having different problem using VLCExample any body any idea how to use thanks below the error log

Compiling 1 source file to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\jvlcproject\build\classes
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\jvlcproject\src\ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getChannel()
location: class org.videolan.jvlc.Audio
int currentChannel =;
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\jvlcproject\src\ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getTrack()
location: class org.videolan.jvlc.Audio
System.out.println("Audio track number: " +;
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\jvlcproject\src\ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getChannel()
location: class org.videolan.jvlc.Audio
System.out.println("Audio channel info: " +;
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\jvlcproject\src\ cannot find symbol
symbol : method setChannel(int)
location: class org.videolan.jvlc.Audio;
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\jvlcproject\src\ cannot find symbol
symbol : method setChannel(int)
location: class org.videolan.jvlc.Audio;
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\jvlcproject\src\ cannot find symbol
symbol : method setChannel(int)
location: class org.videolan.jvlc.Audio;
6 errors
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)

Posted: 30 Mar 2007 10:55
by vdaburon

I have installed the jvlc-0.9.0-20070310-win32 on my Windows 2000 PC but i have error : ""Le point d'entrée de procédure freeaddrinfo est introuvable dans la bibliothèque de liaisons dynamique WS_32.DLL",

when i click on vlc.exe or when i try to launch the VLCExample
set JAVA_HOME=C:\j2sdk\jdk1.5.0_10
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath . VLCExample


Would you like to send me the stable jvlc if you have to my email address

Please take a look at the news windows release in the download section of the jvlc site an report any issues you find.


Posted: 02 Apr 2007 12:16
by vdaburon

I try on a Windows 2003 server, i have some problems but i can see the first image of my video.

I will try on my personal Windows XP at home.


I have installed the jvlc-0.9.0-20070310-win32 on my Windows 2000 PC but i have error : ""Le point d'entrée de procédure freeaddrinfo est introuvable dans la bibliothèque de liaisons dynamique WS_32.DLL",

when i click on vlc.exe or when i try to launch the VLCExample
set JAVA_HOME=C:\j2sdk\jdk1.5.0_10
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath . VLCExample


Would you like to send me the stable jvlc if you have to my email address

Please take a look at the news windows release in the download section of the jvlc site an report any issues you find.


Posted: 02 Apr 2007 14:02
by vdaburon

I find informations about the freeaddrinfo function missing on Windows 2000.
-------------------- extract -------------------------------------------
The freeaddrinfo function was added to the Ws2_32.dll on Windows XP and later. To execute an application using this function on earlier versions of Windows (Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Windows Me/98/95), then you must include the Ws2tcpip.h file and also include the Wspiapi.h file. When the Wspiapi.h include file is added, the freeaddrinfo function is defined to the WspiapiFreeAddrInfo inline function in the Wspiapi.h file.

I don't know if it's easy to compile with Ws2tcpip.h and Wspiapi.h files ?

I use Windows 2000 on my professional laptop.


I have installed the jvlc-0.9.0-20070310-win32 on my Windows 2000 PC but i have error : ""Le point d'entrée de procédure freeaddrinfo est introuvable dans la bibliothèque de liaisons dynamique WS_32.DLL",

when i click on vlc.exe or when i try to launch the VLCExample
set JAVA_HOME=C:\j2sdk\jdk1.5.0_10
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath . VLCExample


Would you like to send me the stable jvlc if you have to my email address

Please take a look at the news windows release in the download section of the jvlc site an report any issues you find.


Posted: 02 Apr 2007 14:05
by littlejohn

I find informations about the freeaddrinfo function missing on Windows 2000.
-------------------- extract -------------------------------------------
The freeaddrinfo function was added to the Ws2_32.dll on Windows XP and later. To execute an application using this function on earlier versions of Windows (Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Windows Me/98/95), then you must include the Ws2tcpip.h file and also include the Wspiapi.h file. When the Wspiapi.h include file is added, the freeaddrinfo function is defined to the WspiapiFreeAddrInfo inline function in the Wspiapi.h file.

I don't know if it's easy to compile with Ws2tcpip.h and Wspiapi.h files ?

I use Windows 2000 on my professional laptop.

Hi Vincent,
thanks for the pointer. I don't know either how to integrate the missing functions support in jvlc, but I'll try to find a way to do it.

Of course, any windows developer help will be really appreciated.


Posted: 03 Apr 2007 16:24
by adanecito
Hi littlejohn,

I was able to figure it out an I am running on Windows 2000 Professional.

What I did was find all the locations in the code where socket2.h is being referred to and added directly below it wstcpip.h. Do not ask me why I did not add wspiapi.h except I was getting tons of errors when compiling.

So, if littlejohn can get it to work repeatably by doing that it would be great.
Also, I had to add --CLASSPATH="./" as a javac parameter to the makefile in the bindings/java folder otherwise it the make did not build becuase it could not find the org/videolan/jvlc package.

Hopefully littlejohn at least can take care of the classpath issue in the builds.

There is at least 2 issues with 0.9.0 nightly builds for me:

1. Video window pops out of the jvlccanvas.
2. Video running way too fast and no audio.

Both are being looked at right now. Hopefully #2 gets resolved quickly and #1 if ANYBODY and I mean ANYBODY has it working under windows I would really like to know.



Posted: 07 May 2007 15:48
by otrofox
hi otrofox,

how you did setup for cross compiler, actually I am not much familiar of setup cross compiler, i tried to setup using Fedora core 6, but many errors and not success. which operating system you used and how you did setup for that.

many thanks,
I'm a completely newbie for linux and cross compiling (and C++) but I could make the project following the guides on the JVLC site.
I'm cross compiling from Windows XP SP2 using cygwin.
Of course, I had to change a loooooot of things to make it work. For example, the usleep function is not defined and thinks like that but I found, on the guides, tricks to solve those problems.

Good luck.

Posted: 21 May 2007 20:38
by reluto
Would you like to send me the stable jvlc if you have to my email address
