Code: Select all
int id = vlcUserCtr.AddToPlayList(@"C:\robots.avi", "Robots", null);
libvlc.dll & plugins are in the debug AND source-file folder, but it didn't work.libvlc.dll and the plugins directory need to be in bin/Debug (or bin/Release if you're running a release build). Putting them in the directory with the source files doesn't work.
But now I want to have the MouseMove, MouseDown and MouseUp-Event from the overlay-window or the videolan-control.If you want an overlay on top of this, you need to create a 2nd form. Set its TransparencyKey to Black, the BackColor to Black, ShowIcon and ShowInTaskbar to false. In the constructor of this 2nd form add the code
SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
and UpdateStyles();
after InitializeComponent() in the contructor. Override OnPaint(). Anything you draw that isn't black will be visible.
Now create an instance of the 2nd form from your main form and set it's Owner to be the main form. Size, Position and Show it. You have a transparent overlay on top of the VLC window.
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