Does VCL do this??

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Felipe Fontes
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Does VCL do this??

Postby Felipe Fontes » 09 Dec 2006 19:39

Once I dont have a capture card, and before buying one, I want to know if VCL do what I want...

I want to stream live TV for my LAN, and alow every computer to choose each channel, and change it whenever he wants...
so at the same time more than 1 computer is watching differents channels...

I could't figure out if VCL do it or not...

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Postby DJ » 09 Dec 2006 19:48

Remote TV tuning

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TV channel switching

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Postby Felipe Fontes » 09 Dec 2006 20:44

reading those topics I concluded that changing a channel in a PC will change the channel for all PCs, that's it??

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Postby Felipe Fontes » 10 Dec 2006 13:49

since I dind't got an answer... I'll try to borrow a capture card and find it out... :roll:

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Postby DJ » 10 Dec 2006 18:36

The only way to have multiple channels is with multiple tuners and this will be true for any card any program.

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Postby Felipe Fontes » 10 Dec 2006 19:07

The only way to have multiple channels is with multiple tuners and this will be true for any card any program.
Thanks for the answer...

I was suspecting of that, but I could't find it with all words :wink:

Sorry If I looked rude, but in my searches I couldt got that especific answer :roll:

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Postby sukran » 06 Jan 2007 16:14

Apologies for breaking into this thread, but I have joined to find an answer to a similar question (posted separately).

As I understand your question, you are asking if all channels of a single multiplex may be separately and concurrently be viewed/distributed in your home.

I stand to be corrected, but I think that it may be possible to do this. At any one time the multiplexed stream from the tuner will contain all the channels of that multiplex. If that stream is fed to each computer then it may be individually demultiplexed to display any of the channels.

This is with the restriction that only those channels on the multiplex selected with the tunercard will be available. Switching the tuner card to another multiplex (transponder) will immediately disable the programmes being viewed by the other computers.

Perhaps someone can confirm or refute this possibility.

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Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 06 Jan 2007 19:42


You can stream a whole transponder with ONE VLC and ONE card. However, if you change transponder you will not be able to see the programs of this one.

A transponder is from 4 to 6 video channels usually.
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Postby DJ » 07 Jan 2007 08:03

The new satellites are supposed to be capable of 20 channels per transponder. I guess we will see over time if this becomes a reality.

BTW this is true for MPEG TS being broadcast as a digital signal and not of analog TV cards of which I believed the original question to be as VLC does not support DVB cards under Windows.

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Postby nhdpatrick » 30 Jan 2007 17:10

Only digital transport streams, such as 8VSB ATSC, COFDM DVB-T, and other similar transmission standards, may be decoded to individual program streams each handled seperately. That is because the transport stream is on a single carrier frequency.

In analog, a single carrier contains a single program, so there are no multiple program streams within a transport stream to be decoded. Instead, you must change to a new carrier to decode a new program. All tuners I can think of at the moment, barring cognative/software radio, require you to lock to a specific carrier.

Hope that explaination helps.

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