VLC locking up after unpausing

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New Cone
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VLC locking up after unpausing

Postby MSCC_Brad » 22 Nov 2024 21:27


I work at a Community College and our English Professors have had issues with playing back DVD's.
I went over to one of the machines and tested one of the DVD's.

Our devices are currently running Windows 10 LTSC 21H2. We have hardware acceleration turned off.

We can get the DVD to load, use menu operation, and play (either from the beginning or going to a specific scene). The issue happens when the instructor pauses the video for 15-30 seconds and then un-pauses it to continue the scene. The video will start to play again for about 1-3 seconds then freezes (no sound either). I have to force quit the application. I attempted to pull Event Viewer logs, but it never gave any in depth information of what caused the crash.

I did run turn on the File Logger and had the Messages tab open with Verbosity on 2 (debug). Below is what I pulled:

Code: Select all

main debug: using vout display module "direct3d11" direct3d11 debug: D3D11 pool succeed with 24 surfaces (720x480) context 0x09962488 main debug: original format sz 720x480, of (0,0), vsz 720x480, 4cc I420, sar 32:27, msk r0x0 g0x0 b0x0 main debug: reusing provided vout main debug: Received first picture main debug: Buffering 81% main debug: Buffering 82% main debug: Buffering 83% main debug: Buffering 84% main debug: Detected interlaced video main debug: deinterlace 0, mode auto, is_needed 1 main debug: Buffering 85% main debug: Buffering 86% main debug: Buffering 87% main debug: Buffering 88% main debug: Buffering 89% main debug: Buffering 90% main debug: Buffering 91% main debug: Buffering 92% main debug: Buffering 93% main debug: Buffering 94% main debug: Buffering 95% main debug: Buffering 96% main debug: VoutDisplayEvent 'resize' 958x935 main debug: Buffering 97% main debug: Buffering 98% main debug: Buffering 99% main debug: Stream buffering done (1815 ms in 658 ms) main debug: Decoder wait done in 0 ms main debug: inserting 5166 zeroes direct3d11 debug: Detected size change 958x538 mmdevice debug: state changed: 1 main warning: playback too early (-60429): down-sampling qt debug: Logical video size: 853x480 main debug: resized to 853x480 main debug: VoutDisplayEvent 'resize' 853x480 main debug: resized to 958x935 main debug: VoutDisplayEvent 'resize' 958x935 main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: resampling stopped (drift: -9697 us) main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: toggling resume main debug: toggling resume mmdevice debug: state changed: 0 main debug: toggling pause main debug: toggling pause mmdevice debug: state changed: 1 main warning: playback too early (-41971): down-sampling main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: resampling stopped (drift: -8549 us) main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: toggling resume main debug: toggling resume mmdevice debug: state changed: 0 main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: toggling pause main debug: toggling pause mmdevice debug: state changed: 1 main warning: playback way too early (-646635): playing silence main debug: inserting 31038 zeroes main debug: picture might be displayed late (missing 13 ms) main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: incoming request - stopping current input main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: input control stopped, trashing type=0 main debug: incoming request - stopping current input main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor main debug: input control stopped, trashing type=18 main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor

Any ideas what is doing this (or how to fix this)?

Note: I did find a note that the freezing was fixed in VLC 4.0, but I also tried installing a recent VLC 4.0 nightly version and it was exhibiting the same issue with it.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 22 Nov 2024 20:38

Re: VLC locking up after unpausing

Postby MSCC_Brad » 02 Dec 2024 20:16

Any update? Is this a known issue with your product?

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 22 Nov 2024 20:38

Re: VLC locking up after unpausing

Postby MSCC_Brad » 02 Dec 2024 21:03

So I just found this post in the GitLab (https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/issues/28467) but that is not the case. I have tried a very recent nightly build of VLC 4.0 and that did not fix the issue.

I'd file a report in GitLab, however I do not have access to do so.

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Re: VLC locking up after unpausing

Postby DoctorWho » 06 Mar 2025 10:17

Can you confirm that the issue is still ongoing? Have you tried the DVD on another device/ DVD player? Also please check if the DVD is not damaged.
This does not look like a common issue so feel free to update the topic with some capture of the issue. That would be great to go deeper into the situation.


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