Video Title metadata changes when saving playlist

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Video Title metadata changes when saving playlist

Postby G0tchas » 06 Jan 2025 10:51

Windows 10
VLC v3.0.21 Ventinari

Using Mp3tag, I removed all the metadata from my video files and converted the filename to the title. When viewing the file's Properties > Details in Windows, the Title matches the file name, e.g. "001. Joe Smith.mp4" shows as "001. Joe Smith".

When I launch VLC and drag-and-drop the filename into the Playlist window, it shows the title correctly as "001. Joe Smith". I then save the playlist and exit VLC. When I launch VLC and open the Playlist (File > Open File), the title now suddenly shows as "Joe Smith". When saving the playlist, VLC seems to decide that it will overwrite the metadata. When I check the file's Properties > Details in Windows, it is still correctly showing "001. Joe Smith", so I'm not sure where VLC is pulling the wrong title from. It's like it will strip any characters from the start of the title that doesn't start an A-Z or a-z, i.e. any numbers.

Under Tools > Preferences > Show All Settings > Input/Codecs, I have changed the value of the "Change title according to current media" to $f, $u, even blank, but it still doesn't prevent VLC from changing the Title metadata. If you have a playlist with 200+ videos, it's impossible to know which one is number 150 if VLC keeps changing the Title.

Any help on resolving this would be greatly appreciated as it's driving me crazy.

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