Hi all,
I am running a PC,Windows 11 O/S
I have a 4K monitor with a screen resolution 3840 x 2160
I have 4 CCTV cams
I would like to have One Icon/batch file
on my PC windows Desktop to
open 4 VLC media player windows simultaneously
showing each individual camera
I would like the windows sized
so all 4 windows can be seen on the monitor
screen without overlapping each other.
I wrote a BAT file to open the 4
Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
feeds. But it did not work as I thought.
The 4 windows open with the correct RTSP feeds but all the windows overlap!
I want to open the 4 windows 2 side by side
and the other 2 side by side below the upper windows.
Could someone explain how I can do this?
with an example of coding please?
This is the code I used, It does not use the screen Positions
@echo off
set VLC_PATH="C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
set RTSP1=rtsp://
set RTSP2=rtsp://
set RTSP3=rtsp://
set RTSP4=rtsp://
start "" %VLC_PATH% %RTSP1%
start "" %VLC_PATH% %RTSP2%
start "" %VLC_PATH% %RTSP3%
start "" %VLC_PATH% %RTSP4%
nircmd win move ititle "VLC media player" 0 0 960 540 :: Position and size first window
nircmd win move ititle "VLC media player" 960 0 960 540 :: Position and size second window
nircmd win move ititle "VLC media player" 0 540 960 540 :: Position and size third window
nircmd win move ititle "VLC media player" 960 540 960 540 :: Position and size fourth window