Hi, I'm trying to update a quite old Media Player app I wrote years ago with VB6 (I know, this is history, but it's fine for me).
The original app was perfectly running on a Win 7 PC and it was using the MCI component.
Now I want to use VLC as player component since with Win10 there is no way to use MCI anymore.
My problem is I can not register the DLL; I copied the axvlc.dll from my PC program VLC folder into both System32 and SysWow64; when I give the command from inside the CMD window:
> C:\\windows\SysWow64 (or even in System32)
regsvr32 axvlc.dll
I ger the error: "Unable to load the specified module" (or something similar, it is in Italian)
I tried to add the reference to the DLL from the Reference windows; it does not return any error.
I also copied the the axvlc.dll inside my app folder; strangerly the reference windows still only shows the dll from the SysWOW64 folder and never from my app.
In my VB app I have these lines:
[in a BAS module] Public VLCplayer As AXVLC.VLCPlugin2
[in the main form] Set VLCplayer = New AXVLC.VLCPlugin2
This last line gives a 'Not registered interface' error; actually, the Espression Control window reporte an empty object at this line.
So the question: how can I register the dll? (or there is a different way) ?